
Job’s done.

The point is very well taken, but it’s a pet peeve that getting a review average of a B is considered outright bad, or at least “losing”.

I’m not on a “side”, just saying that cheating at a video game isn’t worthy of things like death threats to him or his loved ones.

I’m in contact with Billy and I’ll just say he’s not in a good place at the moment. Feel free to be invested in this story however it strikes you, but please reconsider threats or harassment, which he has received plenty of and in large part dissuade him from providing comment in stories like these.

Honestly, this is a bad take - but it would be more respectable stance taken by the show’s makers if they didn’t choose literally THE ONLY CHARACTER ON THE SHOW WHO 110% WOULD NEVER SAY THAT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Just a thought.

New edict: Valve can’t count to 2.

Retire #90

[reads headline]

...Steam World Dig? Not Steam world Dig 2?

Cecilia, I really love your prose in this one.

In Valve Time, it’s only been a few hours since Portal 2.

Interesting. I felt for any of its faults, the original by comparison just seemed so very tiny and simple.

I’m glad Luigi’s Mansion is getting a port, I guess, but anybody who has played Dark Moon on the 3DS knows that the sequel is better in just about every conceivable way imaginable. If you’ve never played the original, prepare for!

Thanks, I didn’t know that about Beauty and the Beast.

Toy Story 3 was nominated for Best Picture in addition to best animated feature. I felt like Coco could have legitimately done something similar this year.

Super Mario Encyclopedia Cover Power Rankings:

I don’t reject the premise that the Academy doesn’t have the guts to award Get Out a Best Picture statue, but I’d be amiss if I didn’t feel like (almost) any of the movies nominated for best picture could have comfortably won the award.

The song is especially good because takes on a different thematic meaning in such a tender, clever way late in the movie. Coco is superbly well scripted.

This article sort of ends without a resolution?