3rd wave feminism would like a word with you
3rd wave feminism would like a word with you
A basic lesson in economics s 101: there is indeed such thing as “too big” if you cannot sustain the growth. Growth is the enemy of businesses who can’t handle it. Be prepared before you grow, or do your best to keep yourself from growing if you do then want to have to work more. You can’t have both.
Nightmare fuel
Requesting the Wild west internet to turn in infinite copies of code? Good luck.
Good God those guys are good. #metabanana
Surprised Kotaku didn’t mention that it was mostly male competitors therefore imperial proof that sexism is rampant
As in.. The other guy faked his win? Huh?
Why not embed the entire match in this article... Some sketchy editorial decisions being made in the background... Ulterior motive much
I agree, totally unnecessary. Only serves as a glorified advertisement
A bit too “brand-y” for my taste. I like my geeky fashion apparel to be more subtle and less “THIS IS A MARIO PRODUCT”
Bravo. You’re speaking within an echo chamber that you aren’t a member of and I commend the civility and reason
How about actually responding to their words? All you’ve done is dismiss and shed light on nothing.
Only a far left 3rd wave feminist would turn this into an overarching gender issue. This is vanilla harassment. The only reason it appeared mysogynistic was that the subject happened to be female. You’re suggesting that this person wouldn’t harass you if you, say, had a stutter, which is ridiculous; they’ll say…
Hit the mute button.
Right, give more fuel to the fire.
most vanilla sjw comment ever
holy hell shut the fuck up kotaku
im so sick of filler. also, sick of b-teams making games for big franchises and marketing said games as if they were made by A-team. Branding something under blanket “Bioware” is all a game needs nowadays apparently.
were you paid to say this? have a friend who’s an editor?
were you paid to say this? have a friend who’s an editor?
In other words: only 2 weeks left to give Gawker some Amazon $kickbacks$$$$$
In other words: only 2 weeks left to give Gawker some Amazon $kickbacks$$$$$