
this launch is truly pathetic

im sorry, but if you’re a well-funded developer esp with a publisher behind you, please stay the fuck away from Kickstarter.

you brought politics into this far more than you should have; rather than look at it for what it is (a differing viewpoint), you grade it poorly merely because you dont agree. sorry, but college professors dont grade persuasive papers poorly merely because they personally disagree.

because of that one joke you equate him to white nationalism. liberals...holy shit

the #ADayWithoutWomen was a joke, and it was to many women as well. we can laugh at any mainstream thing we want.

it’s not a huge thing...until you delete your huge save file or it gets corrupted

this is 2017. right?

does anyone really care? who is planning on spending another $10 on another copy of Super Mario World?

did we play the same games?

Yes, but they’re personalties and abilities are far more interesting than sexuality. Who the frick cares who they’re attracted to?

You youth are so annoying. Yes everyone should be left to do what they please and think how they please within reason but my god this is just simply ANNOYING.

“pretty much every time we reveal a new hero”

Certainly not on a reputable site...

Correct. They would only be able to “ride out” funds if they went private.

Yeah but a public company’a stockholders want growth or else they’ll back out. Cash reserves mean nothing to Nintendo as a public company.

And their current expenses

Yay let’s continue kicking and screaming and whining about a culture and country we have nothing to do with!

Lol I love it when Kotaku does a Let’s Play with a game that they obviously would write a “This is Problematic” article about.

Wait, so I can’t get 20% off of Battlefield 1 on Amazon even though I have Amazon Prime? You guys usually inform us every single week that the discount is active but this time you didn’t. Crap, I guess Amazon doesn’t always offer 20% on their games if you have Prime.

Wait, so I can’t get 20% off of Battlefield 1 on Amazon even though I have Amazon Prime? You guys usually inform us