An industry’s job isn’t to protect anyone. It’s ridiculous that it was even a thought in the first place. They seem to think “the industry” is this nebulous round table of old male misogynists.
An industry’s job isn’t to protect anyone. It’s ridiculous that it was even a thought in the first place. They seem to think “the industry” is this nebulous round table of old male misogynists.
Idk, interesting, maybe, but FF totally kills the integrity of the competition for me. Just seems like an unnecessary metagame.
Too easy for who? It’s the same for both sides...
Not only that, but they actually sell on-screen red dot sites that promise better accuracy. Regardless of the claim’s weight, you can easily trick the internet into thinking you had no help.
If I clipped all my kills together, I could make it look like I have l33t skillz 2
Exactly. I don’t see the issue entirely here. While I agree people shouldn’t be crying in quick play or getting so angry during competitive play - but still, don’t be a dick. Play as a team player, because it’s a team game.
I switch to Mei and insist she’s an offense Tank
Hmm, I’m starting to think this guy trolled people by purposefully picking an unconventional character (Symetra on Attack, or a Hanzo when we already have a Widow) and recording the inevitable objections.
Mafia II broke for me in the middle. Literally the most frustrating gaming experience of my life. The GPS marker would keep moving in a way that made me think I was doing something wrong so I stuck with it for days (impossible to find an answer online) only to finally deem it a bug. Got my friends to try, confirmed…
CrowbCat is the best thing to happen to gaming and YouTube since gaming and YouTube.
“Some cool”?
So if we assume all those prediction sources to be equally competent, then let’s agree that these forecasts are absolute BS. A collective 500% spread is the equivalent of throwing your hands up and shrugging.
This is entirely stupid as this change represents a microscopic minority of gamers. 99.9% of people aren’t playing SSD in VR...
The fact that she was surprised to have fun with Horde mode implies she’s probably never been a Gears fan to begin with. I honestly feel like she plays games out of job obligation and very rarely for self enjoyment
But D.Va is still considered a tank because, first and foremost, she’s a survivor. Her mobility allows for her to die very infrequently. It’s why I consider Mei tank - she’s practically invincible is used correctly.
Funny, because I call Mei a tank!
He’s everybody’s best tank. Because he’s broken...
Lol if you think I was going to read all of that (as you don’t address what I say but instead vomit letters and words over your monitor for at least the first couple paragraphs) then you’re a very silly sillypants.
Very happy that Kotaku let’s their casual/weekend staff avoid agenda-based rhetoric. If this were Nathan Grayson we’d get a dash of “btw this is sexist”
Come on Kotaku. Your bias is so obvious.