
Eartha Kitt winked at you? Winked??! Right at you?? You lucky dog.

About 18 years ago, I was at a club in NYC listening to some free form I-don't-know-what kind of music and the place was packed. Standing room only. The person behind me to the right kept jostling me and I turned around to give them some stink-eye and it was Eartha Kitt. Eartha. Fucking. Kitt. Why she wasn't

Yes, it's actually come to this.


I am a firm believer that there should be no statute of limitations on crimes like this. I'm glad to hear that California's is long enough so that this woman can be tried and brought to justice.

This kid was awesome! Loved him. Hope he gets a regular coach soon - I seriously think he could be top tier.

You're really overthinking this. Its a man telling a story about his friend, and why he thinks she's a beautiful human being. He even says explicitly that she is very ordinary and not beautiful-looking, but that it is her heart that makes her beautiful. Testimonials are fairly common narratives, I don't think it

The Thai advertising industry has the sublimity of sentimentalism cornered, my friends. They are Dickensian, masterful.

This post is brought to you by the letter N. N is for Negligence, for using GoDaddy.

Having read a bit of these books when I worked at my public library... and watching the books get checked out repeatedly and then come back in increasingly dilapidated condition... I actually don't know where I was going with this. All I know is people checked these books out a lot, masturbated to them, and I washed

Played by Rebel Wilson

"Oh hey, don't mind me."