
So this link (result #3 for the google term "do Jews and Christians believe in the same god")

You need to educate yourself. I told you they don't believe Jesus was the son of god but do believe he was a prophet of god

It's not the same god.

We don't have anything like being forced to say a pledge in this country.

That wasn't me being patronizing. That's just me mimicking you. :)

Also don't give me some kind of shit about your lived experiences because never once (literally not one time.) has a feminist validated MY lived experiences. It's a two way street.

Unfortunately the difference between my post and your post is that my patronizing tone towards you is based on the fact you failed to comprehend the information in my post or the original.

This teacher is literally doing what a good teacher is supposed to do—asking students to think seriously and come up with their own answers

You're confused.

Uh, no? If you think questioning why people have to justify using their freedom to a person is "instigating" then no, I will not. It's perfectly fair to question why she has singled out not standing for the pledge of allegiance as something that requires written sign off, and yet all of the other purely optional

No, they don't believe in the same god.

She's right though: they are idiots.

All I ask of them is that they write me a handwritten, one page explanation of why they are choosing to do so


I feel the same way. I was bullied in much the same fashion. It's all well and good people saying "well these kids are probably being abused themselves", but most that doesn't really leave the victim of these bullies in a good place does it?

I'm British and I must be missing some epic cultural frame of reference here because everything she wrote sounds normal.

Well, she owns one less now

You were slightly dissed, after all you are entertaining notions that a person's personality type might have something to do with the zodiac, but you have a good attitude towards it and I don't meant to be cruel.

This has been done to death - it sounds harsh, but the truth is that a bullet doesn't do much damage. You could shoot a person in the gun arm and fail to either hurt them or even render them unable to use the gun if it's a small caliber weapon (like the type a police officer carries).

All people have all the traits of all the zodiac signs. The classic test of astrology is to take numerous astrological readings, remove the name of the star sign the reading is supposed to pertain to, and then present them to a group of participants and see if they are able to identify which reading is their own star