I’ve been using Stadia for about a month now and I disagree with you. Sure, it’s kind of a novelty more than anything that you can play games on your phone. But that’s really more an edge case. In my experience the better argument for Stadia is that you can play graphic intensive games on chrome books or thin ultra…
Duh, she’s rich. People roll their eyes when I go in on rich people, but I stand firm that there isn’t a truly good rich person in this country. I can hold my nose for a few actors, musicians, and artists becoming rich (Ian MacKaye being a millionaire stings tho).
This whole sordid episode is yet another demonstration that the right now lives in a reality-free bubble of its own construction. All allegations that support their positions are to be accepted without any forensic analysis whatsoever, no matter how facially preposterous they are; all explanations that debunk these…
I just really don’t get why the Republicans even believe the MAGA movement exists anymore. They clearly aren’t out in the streets protesting this “stolen election”. The real money came from the donors. The GOP has suffered more losses than wins under Trump.
It’s what he deserves, but not what he’ll get. The U.S. will want to save face by not having a former President face any prison term. Also, he has the Kushners and various other very wealthy friends to turn to. And, as someone else mentioned in the comments on another post, he has (unfortunately) an awful lot of market…
If there’s a Philly motto it’s “CHALLENGE FUCKIN’ ACCEPTED.”
Hey leave Angela Merkel out of this!
Were people in those yoga pants? Asking for a current world leader who has an affinity for grabbing things.
Woah woah woah. What are you getting at? I’ve been kicked out of a Lululemon before for too aggressively handling the yoga pants on display. I’m qualified to judge here.
Redesign the fucking tests to be open book you morons. Memorization is not learning.
Buying cash doesn’t mean what it used to and actually might get you a lesser deal. Dealerships make a decent chunk of their money from selling loans and might be more willing to get you a better deal. Your best bet would be a to shop around, get a loan if it means getting a better deal and then just pay it off if you…
Yep. There is no objective argument to be made that anything in this country works, unless you have a net worth of several million dollars. You could spend your entire life doing things “the right way” and be earning several hundred thousand dollars per year, and if you have an untimely medical diagnosis at the same…
I love my Chromebook but I never would have thought about buying one if I didn’t already have a Windows desktop I could either use directly or via Chrome Remote Desktop for the things Chrome OS sucks at.
Right? I could entertain myself paying off my debt. Then I could entertain myself fixing all of the shit that’s wrong with my house. Then I could really entertain myself socking money away and watching those account balances go up. Every time I log into my bank to view my accounts, I am entertained!
Go to the dentist.
Paying off my student loans and other assorted debt sounds pretty entertaining to me.
i work tech support for an online education software/publishing company. we try to get most of our stuff working for chromebooks but there’s so much they can’t do. during this pandemic, a lot of students suddenly using chromebooks has caused all sorts of problems with trying to complete homework.