
I’ve posted this before but it bears repeating in this context. From the Mayo Clinic guide to Narcissistic personality disorder. Explains most things about  trump really...

Add an election bumper sticker, spray paint some racial slurs, slather it in fake orange tan, and then set it on fire.

Equating KISS to The Beatles is heresy.

That engine will outlive Methuselah. 

“It’s not that I can’t help these people. It’s just I don’t want to.”

Since I got this wood chipper? Fewer.

Just to be “that guy” for a moment, Ivanka would have an Electra Complex. A very strong Electra Complex. 

I have two adult daughters who love their father dearly, as he does them, but they have never ever been in positions like this. It is skeevy as hell. I am convinced that Trump’s “falling out” with Epstein had to do with Ivanka. 

Gotdamnit. Trump is the pinnacle of a party of people that couldn’t properly show empathy when 20 white six and seven year olds were murdered in their classrooms by a crazy white gunman. How dare this sock puppet Negro claim he’s seen anything like an emotion come from Trump, or any of his racist minions, for Black

What’s “debatable” isn’t whether or not trump is a “christan.” It’s whether the evangelicals who support him are. And I’d say no, because they’re shitty people who made a deal with the devil in order to get what they think they wanted. Oh, and they despise Catholics.

Hey Cons, you can’t go lawless, full racist and not expect a backlash.

This particular one should also include “I am turning myself in to the authorities for distributing kiddie porn. I don’t deserve to breathe free air.”

That’s nuts, fuck this seller.

Don’t you worry, you will be comfortably front row-seated up on a rainbow cloud with all the other people of the LGBTQ+ persuasion who only ever did stuff between consenting adults, watching these motherfuckers burn.

Respirator > surgical mask > valved mask w/ filter > cloth mask >>>>>> poorly fitting mask of any kind >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no mask

Liberty [University], where students are asked to sign an “honor code,” which prohibits sex outside of marriage, but the honor code doesn’t say anything about watching.

What, you mean kids today won’t agree that Muse is the best band ever? They better get off my damn lawn. 

Not great on desktop, either; they’ve pulled some shit where the links randomly flash black-and-white, which just makes the whole fucking thing illegible. It only happens half the time, but it’s not a great feeling loading a page and guessing, “Hey, am I about to have a seizure loading this Torch article? Only one way

Because the GOP base is basically made up of drunk uncles, and there were a lot more of them than we thought.