
I spent a little less than a year working for a small company run by a rather brilliant but incredibly fucked up wealthy person. He could be friendly and engaging and fun to chat with, but blink and he’d become selfish, with an incredibly short fuse, abusive, incredibly sensitive, vindictive... and as I said, he was br

I know reaction gifs are played out and then some. But... for fuck’s sake, seriously. Every time this idiot makes the news I find myself slowly tilting my head further and further as I read the story, like a dog trying to find the source of a confusing sound. What the ever-loving fuck?

It is almost impressive how he exists in a world of absolute non-truths. It’s not enough for him to lie, he has to say the absolute opposite of the truth. Trump is a walking, talking negation symbol.

Guyger’s attorney, Toby Shook, said the murder was unusual. “This event wasn’t planned,” he said. “This event is so unique, you’ll never see it again in the history of the United States.”

Remember when American politicians wouldn’t bring up political bickering when meeting with foreign dignitaries or when traveling abroad? Remember when it was considered self-indulgent, uncouth, and incredibly rude?

This has been the GOP’s communication strategy for decades, and it’s just continually intensifying: act as stupid in public as you need your voters to be. When you’re in front of a camera, misunderstand everything that you need your voters to misunderstand. It’s how you get senators with MDs fucking up incredibly

You want things like expanded healthcare, reasonable immigration policies, expansion of renewable energy, etc... and you’re upset with the progressive cause because those things haven’t happened quickly enough? And you have the fucking audacity to complain about the navel-gazing of other people?

Guys, I’m starting to think there might be some corruption in the Republican party.

Hey look! Another thing that will cause the right wing to start a war. Just like Obama getting elected was going to start a civil war. And Obama getting re-elected was going to start a race war. And I’m pretty sure someone on Fox News claimed that just authorizing the Mueller investigation was enough to start a civil

This. Thank you. We need to remember that nothing about Trump is normal. Insects like Miller have positions in this administration because a huge majority of rank-and-file political operatives either don’t want to go anywhere near this dumpster fire, or they tried working for these assholes and either left or got

That’s the OP’s entire point. Imagine having access to nearly all the world’s information—not just the information, but having teams of people whose jobs it is to explain that shit to you whenever the hell you want them to—and instead you choose to sit on your fat ass watching Fox News all day. I can be as lazy and

So, how many more of these does Rudy have in him before he actually reaches down the back of his pants and starts flinging poo around the studio? Each time Rudy gets on TV, he’s somehow more batshit than he was the time before. There are only so many levels of crazy you can reach before you start bringing excrement

Hey White House staffers! Free retirement plan for you:

I think the “if the vote was secret” was the operative phrase there. Obviously none of them would vote against it if they knew Trump’s base of simpering morons would know they voted against dear leader.

This. Absolutely this. We need to call Trump a “liar” left and right, absolutely. But that doesn’t mean we should ignore the actual gaslighting he and his administration are doing, because that shit is insanely fucked up.

God, I wish I could fully enjoy this. I wish I could revel in this utter stupidity and incompetence and absurdity. I wish I could just bathe in the schadenfreude without that pessimistic voice in the back of my head staring out the window distractedly and softly whispering, “none of this matters, you know.”

Yup. Goes hand in hand with the “he can’t be a racist, I’ve never once seen him walking down the street shouting the n-word while wearing a hood and holding a burning cross!” mentality that the far right has.

I’m so tired of watching Trump run through the narcissist’s prayer on every fucking news cycle.

I used to think Malcolm Gladwell was a rich man’s Tom Friedman: someone who got way too famous for being way too proud of saying things that are far too obvious. Gladwell operates a level above Friedman in tone and language and occasionally insight, but the end result is largely the same.