
So this is different from all the other times Trump dipships publicly confirmed that impeachable offenses had taken place... how?

I mean, ok? But we’re several years into them doing this, they’ve had enough rope to hang themselves and half the country with already, and nothing’s happened. They’ve already actively perjured themselves. Nothing’s happened. That’s part of why I don’t think this does need to keep happening.

Eh. In the first place, if you’re not frustrated with this shit, you don’t have a pulse. There’s a difference between being frustrated and disconnecting.

Yeah, this is part of it. CNN and Trump scratch each other’s backs. I’m convinced Trump rails on CNN specifically because he knows they’ll continue to cover him breathlessly as long as he does so (and because his crowds eat it up). I’m not saying there’s some shady conspiracy here, but CNN exists to make money for

Christ. I’m so bored with this. It’s like the shittiest possible remake of Groundhog Day. Every day, it’s the exact same thing. “CNN gave crazy Trump asshole some airtime, and guess what? They behaved like a crazy asshole.” Then we all gasp and drop our monocles into our china teacups and get outraged. Then we write

Camerota’s admirable efforts notwithstanding, there’s a larger problem here: what is the value of giving a huge liar a national platform to tell more lies?

I’m convinced NFL announcers use 20 words when one will do purely to fill all that dead air. Without these jackasses bloviating constantly, NFL broadcasts are just two and a half hours of replays and commercials wedges between 15 minutes of action. Trying to add gravitas via needless verbosity is just another way they

Ha! I didn’t get into FMA until after the manga was finished, and I read the manga before either anime. And I watched Brotherhood before I watched the original. So, to me, Brotherhood’s always been “the original” just because it followed the manga which was the story I was familiar with, and it was the first one I

It’s seriously an indictment of our system that these utter failures just keep coming back around. There is no level of failure that prevents a Republican from popping back up as a bit player in a later administration or a pundit or some other godforsaken role.

That picture is creepy as shit. His teeth are in the uncanny valley. He looks like a humunculus from FMA or something. Like that image is what you see creeping out of the shadows just before he unhinges his jaw and swallows you whole.

So it’s ok for sports players to demand total happiness in all areas of their lives while we sit here and suffer?

I guess? But that’s kind of beside the point. Whether or not this blog post is up its own ass has no bearing on whether or not Newsroom was up its own ass. And it definitely, absolutely was.

Meh. I mean I’m not disagreeing with your main point that sometimes it feels like this site just wants to hate everything for the sake of clicks, but they’re not wrong here. Sure, it was better than 90% of what’s on TV, but that’s like saying that getting my arm chopped off with a sharp, clean knife is far better than

It would be a far, far greater surprise if anything else happened.

This is just part of a long-standing ongoing concerted effort by the right to corrupt language to the point where any language related to the left is turned into a pejorative phrase. Eventually, make it widespread enough, and people who would otherwise be open to progressive ideas, or at least neutral to them, react

This was exactly my reaction.

Your child and your ability to make more.

I’ve long thought that the only way Trump actually loses his base is if he’s caught on camera in a private somewhere with a bunch of other elitist-types really shit-talking poor people. Like, just laughing about how stupid and gullible they are, and how great it is he’s in this position to help himself and his buddies

This is wonderful.

I go back and forth depending on my mood. Some days I find myself wondering if we haven’t already shot past that tipping point. Other days I think we’ll all be surprised at how quickly we recover when there are adults in charge again.