
Sanders shot back: “It’s not a business!”

I agree with all of this 100%.

I look forward to the continual regression to the point that whenever they’re reporting on border issues they first scurry off camera to don a poncho, comedically-oversized sombrero, and a fake handlebar mustache.

Sweet! We’re in that phase of the Trump news cycle where the GOP will issue some sternly-worded statements before doing whatever the fuck Trump tells them to do!

This is a really good breakdown.

Trump jokes with the first responders and their families that the stage may not hold all of them but that if it collapses they “are not falling very far”

Just a conman at work!

Huuuuuuuuuuh. That hadn’t even crossed my mind. That’s terrifyingly possible, I suppose.

I’ve said this before and I’m sure I’ll say it again, but... fucking hell man. It wasn’t all that long ago that this level of nonsense was limited to the unhinged AM radio shows and the forwarded emails from your racist aunt. Now it’s pushed front and center by member of the US government. On a fucking daily basis.

Oh, absolutely. It just doesn’t sit right with me that someone under a time crunch would take the time to delve so deeply into a search as to find something better than what pops up on the first first row, but at the same time be in such a hurry not to notice that it’s a wildly different image than everything else

Much as I always want to revel in the utter incompetence of these idiots, this half-assed explanation actually makes me think that they got fucked with. You really can’t find that image accidentally. Searching google images for “presidential seal” in a variety of ways turns up shitloads of... the actual presidential

All establishments are hated.

Seeeeeriously. It really kills me how much of the media coverage of Trump and his merry band of cockpuppies can be boiled down to “OMG can you believe this person who always says awful things said an awful thing? You should be very upset about it!” And that’s everywhere, not just here, not by a long shot.

“Whatever decision we make in that regard would have to be done with our strongest possible hand, and we still have some outstanding matters in the courts.”

“If you listen to the internet, this was one of the worst performances in the history of our country.”

I took a course in grad school that focused on public perception of global economics or some such, and as our assignment the first week, the professor had us read two things: one was a brief(ish) research article published in a respected academic journal, the other was Friedman’s The World is Flat.

Yeah, Trump has shown us how much our system relied on decency and shame. I still have some optimism that our system’s strong enough to withstand this and will be strengthened because of it, but holy fucking shit, it’s mind-blowing how close to breaking it is right now simply because a man incapable of shame and with

Now playing

“That senator, whose name I have forgotten, is now himself dead, and I,” she added with a smile, “am very much alive.”

Exactly. The GOP’s entire reason for existing at this point is to help wealthy people hold and grow their wealth. That’s it. Everything else, literally everything else is there as window dressing, to distract the stupid poor people and keep them voting against their own interests.

Same. Particularly in certain parts of the UK or Ireland. I can usually keep the accents at bay, but if I’m over there for more than a week or so, I can’t help but adopt the cadence to some degree; I find myself emphasizing syllables differently and subtly structuring sentences differently.