
For sure. And again: it’s important that we continue to point out the racism. We absolutely shouldn’t ignore it. It’s just that can’t be the crux of our argument anymore. Because the other side clearly doesn’t give a shit... if anything they’re pleased.

Oh, absolutely, and I was in no way trying to go for the “I don’t see color” angle, and if it came off that way then my mistake. My point is exactly what you’re saying: this is using the population’s racism as a wedge with which they can break society apart, and the way they’re framing their arguments proves that.

Honestly, we need to stop focusing on the fact that this is racist. Because yes, its obviously racist. No shit. Trump launched his fucking campaign calling Mexicans rapists and drug dealers. Trump’s racism hasn’t been up for debate for years. Yes, the GOP is denying it, and that makes us frustrated. But fucking hell,

Seriously. It’s who we are. It’s who we’ve always been. It’s literally what this country was built on.

I don’t think we’ll ever get to that point, simply because it’s in the best interests of the major networks to keep doing it. Love him or hate him, nobody can stop watching him. And the networks long, long ago put the good of their revenue above the good of the country.

“I don’t know, I can’t say for sure, but certainly a lot of people say they hate our country,” Trump said, falling back on one of his favorite rhetorical tics.

Huh. He looks like a buff-and-bald Will Ferrell.

Jesus Christ, I know it’s not related at all, but that lede image. Remember when photo ops at the White House didn’t look like hostage situations?

I like it; I really like it. But... at first glance, I would have pegged the first image to be out of GTA V or something. It just doesn’t look real. 

Oh, completely. I should have probably specified in my post that part of this attitude is that right now I’m at a point in my life that neither my garage nor my wife’s patience will allow a weekend/project car, and I implicitly evaluate everything from that perspective, so your point is totally fair.

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham called the vote “ridiculous” and “lawless.”

I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said. But bear in mind that there are plenty of economic indicators pointing at a recession, and between now and the elections there’s almost certainly going to be a no-deal Brexit led by Boris fucking Johnson.

“He’s not racist, he’s just an incredibly self-absorbed narcissist.”

God, damn, I’m just so tired of spending every day wondering how far we’re going to fall.

“I was in DC with my husband, and I came back, like, this is what people think all conservatives are now, and we are not. I mean, sure, most of our policies are racist and misogynist, and we support a racist and misogynist leader, and damn-near everything we’ve done over the last few decades has revolved around loudly

Of course he won’t back down. First of all, “don’t back down” is pretty much the only consistent behavioral pattern Trump follows. He can’t back down—backing down would be admitting that he, Donald J Trump, was at one point wrong about something, which would shatter his worldview that he is the apotheosis of all

Solid piece overall, I’d just make one small correction for accuracy.

Who gives a fuck about these cunts?

I hate the self-gaslighting cycle. Because it really is useful—necessary even—to stop and make sure your own responses to this shit are appropriate, because what’s normal and what’s baseline are just thrown way the fuck out of whack. And though there the majority of stories about this administration’s fuckery are

Yeah, it’s funny, though. This sort of scandal could lose him the support of the nose-holders, but you would think in a logical world, this would also lose him quite a few of the conspiracy-nut QAnoners as well. A (thankfully former) coworker who was a full-on QAnon nut based most of his die-hard pro-Trump bullshit on