I do love watching this entire generation of conservative schucks project their own issues onto everything.
I do love watching this entire generation of conservative schucks project their own issues onto everything.
I do love watching this entire generation of conservative schucks project their own issues onto everything.
what you have now, so great looking and smart, a true Stable Genius
I’d love to read something like that!
Almost Everything Trump Said in His Environment Speech Was a Lie
Bigger might not be particularly practical for you. But other people may use their vehicles differently than you do.
Ha! I’m living in Upstate NY now, but it was when I was living in southern Cali (SD) and driving a little Civic and later a 3 series that I started to have inklings of wanting a bigger vehicle. Like the fourth or fifth time I was almost killed by a lifted bro-truck fighting through traffic on the i5, I started to have…
Oh, for sure: bigger absolutely doesn’t mean safer. But I’ve just reached a point where I prefer a vehicle that’s highly rated for safety and is also bigger. I’m not proud of that, but it is what it is.
I think if there was ever any major split between Trump and Fox, obviously Trump’s deranged base goes with him, but I think that split would show us just how small his real base is, and how much of his support is just tribal Republicans who’ll vote GOP no matter what—and they would, I think, go with Fox, because the…
Getting older, having a kid, and spending the last half-decade or so in a pickup has really changed my take on all of these kinds of vehicles. Ten years ago, even though the mileage is stupid and I don’t particularly like the car, I’d have had no problem driving something like this because it’s interesting and kinda…
Call me crazy, but I think there may be room for a middle ground between “VAR is excellent and nobody can have any complaints about it whatsoever” and “VAR is awful and evil and terrible.” And I think the vast majority of people who are saying “VAR is a sin against God and nature” are really saying “VAR shows promise…
Yeah, sometimes I wonder if Trump’s worst lasting legacy will be destroying so many people’s faith in the rest of the people of this country. I didn’t have a huge amount of faith in the intelligence of the average American before Trump, but after the last few years, I can’t come to any conclusion other than that the…
The Nuremberg Diary has been inching its way up my to-read list. But I find lately I can’t bring myself to read anything having to do with real life, I need escapist fiction. If I read anything real—even relatively distant history—I just find myself getting anxious. I was never like this before the Trump era. I’m…
I’ve heard rumors (that I made zero effort to investigate) that the stadium was financed really intelligently with significant money paid up front, hence why they had no money these last couple of years, and that they’re now in a really, really good financial position.
How do any of the current administration have any high ground (or even factual basis) to stand on at the moment?
I love how the whole crux of it is that you can’t have homeless people cluttering up the cities making them look bad for when bigwigs go through. Not because it’s a humanitarian crisis, not because the homeless are the living embodiment of capitalism run amok. Nope. Because they offend the wealthy.
So it’s going to be a blindly partisan shitshow that will disappoint almost everyone, result in incredible amounts of money wasted, and in all likelihood cause insane amounts of damage to critical infrastructure. And all to do nothing but appease one man’s ego and monarchical delusions.
Yeah, and I always get a kick out of the “oh if we have socialized healthcare, you’ll all be waiting six months for an appointment!” people.
Seriously, even though I die a little on the inside with every new Trump story I read, nevertheless some part of me just loves how everything this administration does is not just stupid and against all sense of decency and fairness, but it’s also fucking stupid and half-assed. We’ve all said this a million times, but…