Now, if they lose, Trump can say “what a bunch of losers...”
Now, if they lose, Trump can say “what a bunch of losers...”
You know, call me crazy, but I’m starting to think that a medium that allows for unmoderated real-time stream-of-consciousness rambling doesn’t always produce the most accurate or eloquent results. It’s almost as though maybe we should stop dropping our monacles into our champagne glasses and collapsing on our…
I still can’t understand how anybody can watch the way Trump behaves and think “yep, that’s good and normal.” If the guy who grooms my dogs behaved like this, spoke like this, tweeted like this... I’d find a new guy to groom my fucking dogs. And I’m not even talking about the abhorrent racism and xenophobia and…
Does Trump not understand...
These quotes will resurface years from now in some obscure history book, within a chapter titled “The Trump Years: The Failure of the Fourth Estate.”
I’m disgusted by it, but I’m not exactly surprised at this point. Trump’s been accused of sexual assault... what, two dozen times in the last couple of decades? He was caught on tape bragging about sexual assault. And this dipshit country still elected him president.
Why the fuck is the first lady announcing this?
Ah, the party of law and order, personal responsibility, and responsible government.
Ehhhhhh. I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said here, necessarily. But I think you’re overlooking the fact that Trump’s something of a perfect storm. As awful as he is, his puzzle pieces are kind of unique, and the situation and election he happened to take advantage of was unique. It would be really difficult for…
Same. In fact, this post led me into a terrifying thought experiment: trying to think of what, exactly, Carlson could do that would actually surprise me. Delivering a monologue with a noose lying on his desk? Forgetting to take his hood off on-camera? Doing an on-site report from a cross burning?
Oh, yeah, I’m talking on a purely personal level. I have long since given up trying to understand what sort of day/week/month/eternity will ever harm Trump politically, because nothing ever seems to. But I do think that Trump himself is having a bad time this week, as in he’s unhappy on a personal level. And I think…
I don’t doubt that Trump’s fat bigoted ass actually wants to deport everyone and everyone, but let’s be very clear about something: this is absolutely nothing but yet another short-sighted Trump misdirection. He’s had a bad week, and he’s trying to just throw as much shit on the fire as he can, trying to take…
If she’d announced this program standing anywhere other than next to the most anti-progressive, small-minded, two-faced, four-flushing, bigoted, spiteful, hateful, ignorant asshat of a leader in this country’s living memory, I might have given it a shred of credibility or believed there was an ounce of sincerity to…
Yep. Every bone in my body and every knuckle I’ve ever scraped fixing moody, finicky old BMWs is SCREAMING crack pipe on this.
I used to (briefly, thank God) date a woman who had zero emotional control. When she got upset she’d yell, scream, throw tantrums, accuse me (and anyone else within earshot) of things, just generally melt down. And if I ever got the least bit upset by her obvious attempts to upset me, or if I responded to her at all,…
Hmm. I appreciate your vote of confidence that we’ll get our shit together sufficiently to qualify by then.
Huh. I actually like this. She celebrated with her teammates, then she spent two seconds acknowledging the controversy with a smile on her face. This didn’t feel smug or snippy or anything but “hey, yeah, that happened, moving on.” I don’t see anything malevolent or snide here.
Another day, another reminder that tens of millions of people in our country have become so stupid, shortsighted, and completely ignorant of history that they’re totally OK with the leader of this country threatening to flush democracy down the toilet, as long as their side gets to be on top for a little while.
Everything about this confuses me.
Always, always, always call Trump’s bluff. Because if the thing he’s threatening benefits him, he’s going to do it regardless of whether you agree to his demands or not. When you give in to his bullying, at best you buy yourself a couple of weeks. Trump does not keep his word: that’s one of very few things about which …