+1, teehee
+1, teehee
No, but War Scam Eagle was in full effect today...lots of Auburn fans filing out at halftime.
Jesus, you poor War Eagle fuckin' baby...cry me a $180,000 river...
I was there today, and the rain felt so cool and refreshing with 2:15 left to go in the second quarter; I felt like Andy Dufrain...
+1, though updawg would have been a greater homage...
His radio show is terrific, as are his Cash for Gold commercials. "Tell 'em numero UNOOOOO sent you!"
Damn you for ruining my winter in October...damn you...
'Merica - Because we won't let our obsession with hillbilly-ism from 2005 die!
I'll admit, I giggled when they used the term 'sock puppet' in a released statement concerning nude photos being uploaded. Is Wikipedia allowing 14 year-olds to come up with their IT terms? Are said 'sock puppets' crusty?
The SEC is the modern representation of sovereignty for the South.
Oh, it very much is. State isn't nearly as shallow and phony when it comes to getting all dressed up for tailgating like Ole Miss, though it's still pretty evident. Don't get me wrong, there is certainly an atmosphere of hospitality (you will be offered as much food/beer as you wish to consume), but there is nothing…
+1 for the profile pick, +1 for showing love to Uncle Reggie
The flat, barren wastelands of northern Indiana are reminiscent of the Dakotas and Kansas...so, you may have a point. Southern Indiana at least has Bloomington; probably the most concentrated bastion of liberals in the Midwest.
Per the SEC:
After review, OP utilized a valid play on words without being in questionable or poor taste.
Well, where else was I supposed to fuck her Winston?
The best way to remove embarrassing photos online: Don't use social media.
+1: You just won the internet, sir
+1, I hate you for making me give you credit on that one...you bastard...
Hey Steven, you aspiring college graduate you! I've got two words for you to remember when you decide to use 'sources': PEER REVIEWED.