
I believe it's pronounced "Pay", and it's located in Clarksville, TN.

No Founders, no dice!

There are a few pre-order deals for Battlefield Hardline. Best Buy is giving $10 credit for pre-orders and Microsoft has a $10 Xbox Live credit plus release date shipping if ordered before 2pm PST.

There are a few pre-order deals for Battlefield Hardline. Best Buy is giving $10 credit for pre-orders and

Wow...I'm blown away right now. The past two years I've been going around thinking his first name was actually "God Damnit"...

"Not noon yet? Pfffttt, bro...I treat liquor laws like;dr"

I like the cut of your jib, sir.

Thanks for making me remember that Creed existed, you dick...

...and a tip consisting of a half-drank, lukewarm Keystone Light offered by Johnny Manziel upon delivery is no way to make a living as a pizza delivery man.

Are you Andy Dufrain? Because that was pure REDEMPTION!

Your username is...quite me PTSD. Bless you and damn you simultaneously.

Western Kentucky's Big Red is a gelatinous blob, and may possibly be the cousin of the large purple McDonald's mascot with Down Syndrome, Grimace.

Thank GOD somebody recognizes the goodness of Breckenridge!

"Ladies and gentlemen of the NFL, I'm just a simple unfrozen caveman quarterback. Your strange uniforms and jerseys frighten and confuse me!"

This man has much to teach us about parenting

God forbid the state of Alabama has more than one college football program.

That's one gripe I have with the show. The novels really keep the group on the move constantly, facing new challenges in each book which makes the novel focus more on pure survival. On the other hand, the show tries to be more cerebral and introspective, trying to look at the psychological impact that death and

The preview of the second half of the season makes it look like the the Community storyline will be compressed into a half season :-/.

I remember the Malice at the Palace clear as day. At the time, I was living in Muncie, Indiana and it was my junior year at Ball State. My roommates dad had drove up from southern Indiana and taken us and a few friends out for Mexican. We came back to the apartment with a case of Busch Light and started playing

You forgetting our All-Star, 24 year old first baseman who is locked up for 10 years?

As a Braves fan, I'm with you on that one. Little too soon.