
Satanic Church:

I don’t like that they are “in curious company: nightmare right-wing troll trio Roger Stone, Milo Yiannopoulos and Chuck C. Johnson” per this article.

Esports, more than traditional sports, have a unique opportunity to really diversify the kind of players and athletes we get to see. That OWL and team owners bend over backwards to much to justify the status quo is pretty exhausting. I’m somewhat sympathetic to arguments about team cohesion but nothing happens unless

This is so stupid. Excuses excuses excuses.

Artists do it for themselves and the profit is a bonus. The term starving artist exists for a reason.

Yes. So that other people can profit off of the labor of artists without having to pay them and then feel good about themselves for doing it.

Before y’all climb over sweet Claire for this water business, yes it works. Yes it’s good. Yes it still tastes rich and has a beautiful texture. No it doesn’t taste watery or thin. It lets the chocolate flavor really come forward and there’s still creaminess from the bar. Obviously there’s no great sin in wanting an

Check out PC part picker. Lots of preconfigured builds by budget on there. I happen to think shopping for parts is the best part of building your own PC, but I get that ymmv. Most on there are also fairly competent.

You’ve clearly read the manga but I’m going to disagree with you, as we both know in the original manga none of the characters commented on Gally’s face looking anything but a normal girls. And if the film makers were going to go the route of ‘cyborg people are different’ then they made a mistake with that too as the

Everyone? Great, show “them.” And all those white women who voted for Trump will suddenly see the light and not do so a second time, and all those women voting and campaigning for Moore will be won over by our righteous seizure of the “moral high-ground.” Fantasy. I mean, whether he resigns or not, it’s not likely

it merely triviliazes the complaints against Franken.

Can we at least bear in mind that the accuser is a Hannity disciple and the “journalist” in the linked tweet works for the Washington Examiner and uses a photo of herself with Trump on her Twitter feed?

When I was raped at my college, I was asked to sign a similar document by the administration that basically said that I had also acted inappropriately and was forbidden to have any contact with my abuser. You might think “Why would you want to have any contact with him?” I did not, but that also meant that if say he

That HR response is beyond disturbing. Like they live on another planet.

They don’t really understand how tigers work, huh? That was easily one of the least plausible deaths in the history of the show. A bunch of rotting muscle and sinew is going to a tear apart an animal as strong, fast, and agile as a tiger weighing several hundred pounds? It’s goofy enough when these decayed blobs can

This show has become *hysterically* terrible. When they are down to having radioactive zombies eat the cartoon of a tiger to try and generate pathos, you know it’s over.

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: Guess Who The Newest Disgraced Celebrity Will Be (It’s Carrot Top) Edition

Years later and I still haven’t played Citadel (or any other DLC for ME3) because EAware still insists on only selling them for their imaginary money (Bioware points? I’m not even sure) with zero discount, instead of releasing some sort of complete edition.

I think he was trying to make things better, help his community and call out improper actions by his fellow officers, exactly what we should be fucking expecting from police officers of any color.