
Honestly, the whole notion of unions needs to be applied on a *national* scale (and a global one, if I’m being honest). The balance of power between employers and employees is WILDLY skewed, and that is at the root or near the core of SO many problems.

a black woman.

There’s a saying, “To be African American is to be African without history and American without privilege.”

This is because Doom wasn’t “pixel art”. They were low-res, like pixel art, but they were digitized images - photos of some clay sculptures that had been made. There was some editing done later (all the possessed were made by editing the Doomguy images, a lot were recolored as well) but there’s an underlying

Don’t forget Hatshepsut, Sobekneferu, Twosret, etc. Cleopatra wasn’t some one-off in Egypt.

You’re not far off.
Not only is this deep rooted toxicity hard to get rid of, but when corporate announces they intend to change their outlook etc to their already toxic employee base, all you get is private mumblings about “this public outreach bullshit” over lunch breaks.
I commented on the last article about how

Until HR departments actually start caring about their “human resources” instead of protecting the Company, none of this shit will matter.

If she was a shithead on social media prior to this, ArenaNet should have handled it then, rather than using the absolute worst example of “bad tweeting” to fire her. They did this to themselves.

Considering previous campaigns to fire her, she was probably just tired of criticism in general.


I’m almost at a loss for words here.


The idea that women are some kind of mystical creature that require knowledge of the Stygian abyss to understand is a myth that has been perpetuated by men of all types, in all groups, since time immemorial.

A particular subset of gamers, however, have found a way to

“There are women out here in real life that do have these body types.”

Yeah, I agree with you, Michael. Lots of different kinds of games exist for lots of different audiences, but I think it’s important not to talk out of both sides of your mouth. Also, the game takes place in the 16th century, which would have been a cool opportunity for devs to make an awesome 16th century ensemble for

Totally different. With an estimate you’re estimating the work. The agreement for payment is agreed upon before any work starts, and the payment is guaranteed. Spec work asks for FINISHED work with low chance for any compensation. It creates a race to the bottom.

For everyone asking about platform.

So it’s the love child of Tenchu and Bloodborne?

My mom even knows there’s no link and she’s 70!!! I’ve been playing “violent” video games all my life and never randomly shot up a place.

Jesus Christ is it 1993 still? Hasn’t this “link” been debunked numerous times by now, if I recall right, if anything violent games act as more of a release for pent up aggression. But by all means, lets point fingers at pointless topics to obfuscate the real issue. I’m so sick of all this #winning...

This is so fucking stupid.

This is actually a bit upsetting. Children visit museums. Museums have statues with nipples and genitals showing. All we’re doing here is being prudish.