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This is why free speech absolutism is an absolute joke. We’re expected to believe that someone who says non-whites are subhuman vermin who deserve to be abused, oppressed & “kept in their place” won’t act on that speech when exercising institutional authority.

Get that burnout-apologist horseshit out of here. I’ve developed games for a decade now. Burnouts and death marchs can be avoided with smart and honest planning.

every waking moment? really? there is so much wrong with that statement I don’t even know where to begin. if you want to dedicate every waking hour to your job then that’s your prerogative, and good on you; but this shouldn’t be an expected norm. people need sleep, they need time off, they need time with their

I think with the games industry it’s not so much the demand to work this hard, but the demand to work this hard for absolutely no extra compensation whatsoever.

Of course you’re right that video game publishers do some shady things, be it stuffing their games with microtransactions, showing off generous E3 demos when they know the game won’t look even close to as good, or — worst of all — exploiting labor practices to get unpaid overtime out of all of their workers.

That’s the thing. You’re talking about marketing people. For every Peter Molyneux making ambitious promises to the press, there are 100 developers under him who not only have to deal with cleaning up the mess but also have to watch posters on Reddit and NeoGAF call them all liars.

Now playing

It is eye-opening, incredibly entertaining, and totally free. Here’s the YouTube playlist:

I want him standing atop a pile of ashes and skulls, clad only in a loincloth woven from his unworthy foe’s toupee.

Paul Manafort is fairly fucked.

The republicans love trying to manipulate one group of people by setting them against another group of people. Like how they got the middle class people to blame the poor for the evil things that rich people do.

Lol. “I had no clue I did that”

I read that as “if you want to call and yell at me, I’m open to it but please don’t post it on the internet because I can’t handle any further bad press right now”. Not that it’s any better, if you’ve offended so many people that you don’t even know in what ways you may have offended, you’re a real piece of trash.

I was first informed

...with warm wishes and kind regards,
Ramsey Bolton.

That is literally an over the shoulder boulder holder

Use one of those snowball excel macros. It helps determine how to pay off your debt in the best way. I would do both unless your debt has high interest.

Me, too. But sure, let’s not regulate access to firearms based on past history of domestic or sexual violence because somehow, predatory, fragile assholes have some inviolable right to bear arms.

Video Game Shit I’m Too Old For: Grinding.