
Tens razão! Às vezes uma pessoa esquece-se que a intenção de ser em brincadeira não passa através de texto.

A more common stereotype is that we spend most of our lives eating codfish!

I know that it's not always clear on the internet, but I was joking. So, lame jokes and misunderstood humor FTW.

I love japanese games, don't get me wrong! I just think that the japanese market has made it clear that they don't care about the Xbox. And by not investing in Japan, Microsoft would save millions that would allow them to focus on Europe, China and Brazil, therefore outselling Nintendo and Sony's platforms in

Wouldn't know... I'm portuguese.

They only play those when they're taking a break from the dating sims, to tone down the perviness.

I don't get why people still act like Japan is the relevant market it was in the 80's, 90's and early 2000's. It just isn't. I don't think the millions and millions of dollars that Microsoft invested in the japanese marketing plan for Xbox are even justifiable. At best, they'd get a couple million console owners that,

Is anyone surprised? Of course Halo 4 won't sell in Japan. It isn't a school-girl dating sim.

I used to think exactly the same thing about Windows users. Every time I saw someone trying to work with Windows I thought they were just playing games or chatting on MSN Messenger, 'cause I never thought work could be done on such a horribly unintuitive and counterproductive OS. But, somehow, Windows PC users are

I think that's the whole point. The purpose of this little experiment is to find out if curiosity is the only motivation people need to find out what's inside. Sure, you could say "why bother?", but if curiosity gets a hold of you you'll end up saying "well, might as well tap and help speed this up".

It's not actually a scam, seeing as they're not duping us or trying to get our money. The game is completely free-to-play and doesn't even have ads. I'm not saying that they won't try to monetize it down the road, but right now it's just a free social experiment to test how long will people keep tapping in order to

It should! But the first two layers had 100million cubes each, I think. The layers can have 100million cubelets each if the size of each cubelet also decreases with each layer, though.

They said the cube has 64billion cubelets, I believe. The two layers that we've seen had 100million cubelets, each. So, I think that it's probable that the cube has 640 layers (only if all of them have 100million cubelets).

Maybe that's easy for the women who live in that made-up Universe inside your head. In reality, however, getting a top position in a games company is still very difficult for a woman. Things are changing, fortunately, but balance between male developers and female developers is still years and years away.

Interesting that you should mention Breaking Bad. That show took a pretty useless female character (Skyler) and developed her in such a way that she became more and more relevant to the whole show. She might never end up being a "main" character, but she is hugely important.

No one's asking for Mass Effect-like gender selection.

They develop those stories for months and months. So, they made a clear and conscious decision to not include a female protagonist. We're not talking about choosing the gender of the main character, like in Mass Effect. We're talking about one of the THREE main characters in GTA V being a female criminal/gang-leader,

They really could've created a female protagonist. Especially if they're going with multiple main characters. Saying the crime world is male-dominated might be somewhat correct, but there are a LOT of female criminals/gang-leaders/etc and they should be accurately depicted in games like these.

Mac support, they say?

It's probably between Evernote, Dropbox, Pages, iBooks, Kindle, Facebook, Twitter and Messages.