
With the ability to use any external USB hard drive (or any SD/SDHC/SDXC card), I don't think that storage will be a problem with the Wii U. I, for one, have set aside a 500GB hard drive to use with the console.

You can use any external USB drive with the Wii U.

Go back and compare the PSP's first year with the Vita's first year. Hopefully, you'll understand what I mean. But, seeing as you're an obvious Vita fanboy, you probably won't.

Why is it fucking stupid to say that the Vita pales when compared to its predecessor?

I do have a Vita, actually. My PSN ID is "theplotlessplot", if you ever need to check!

It's amazing that when Apple finally stops making those childish (although valid) "Mac vs PC" ads, Samsung starts doing them. It really shows the level of maturity of each company.

The only thing Playstation Vita would like to have is games.

It's so damn obvious that the whole point was to avoid fragmentation.

Then what's the point of this article? To whine about how he doesn't have the latest and greatest iPad anymore? About how he feels cheated because Apple somehow did the unthinkable and updated a product to get it up-to-par with the rest of the iOS family?

It's not like your iPad 3 just suddenly stopped working, is it? The iPad 3 is still a great tablet. It has a pretty good CPU and a pretty good GPU and every app (right now and in the near-future) will still work on that tablet.

I still fail to see how Nintendo (or Apple, or Sony, etc) are directly responsible for Foxconn's internal policies. Shouldn't Foxconn be 100% accountable, instead of its clients?

It's up to the devs, I think.

As much as I think corporations should be more open to this kind of harmless "jabbing", I have to agree with this statement. I do think Apple shouldn't be so sensitive regarding stuff like this, but the devs should also remember that they're putting their apps/games for sale on a store (albeit a digital one) and that

Relax! The fact that Gangnam Style is popular doesn't mean you can't continue listening to Britney Spears.

I noticed a huge difference between a 1440x900 MBP and the new Retina MBP.

According to the 0x10c website and past interviews, that's exactly what he plans to do. I'm just not sure about the multiple crew members, but I think he also talked about that.

Apparently, it's a modified AMD Radeon HD48XX. The full specs are not yet known, but most developers seem to agree that the GPU outperforms the PS3 and 360's graphics cards. It's also a SoC, which means performance is greater while the power consumption and heat generation are lower.

Well, Gears of War is probably his greatest work (or, at least, the one he's most known for) and one of the three IPs that, IMO, truly defined this generation (Gears of War, Mass Effect and Uncharted).

At the time the Vita came out, there were already iPhone/iPad games that looked better than anything available on the console. I'm not saying it doesn't have better hardware or anything like that (it clearly does have a superior CPU and it has the same GPU as the iPad 3), but there are multiple games on the iPad 2/3

" The actions described in the blog post do not represent the cultural standards at KIXEYE", brought to you by the guys that specifically say they're looking for "brogrammers" on their job site and that used a reference to the highly controversial "dickwolves" PA comic to get people interested in working there.