
doubt they put the same game up twice. once up as ps+ free, that’s it. cant really compare it to steam

I wasn’t aware the Ghostbusters were created as an example of male empowerment in a female dominated field and their genders were an important facet of their character?

Once your dick is online ...

I don’t know how talking to one person turned into me basically lecturing the entire group of people, but whatever you want to picture in your head, dear...go with that. I give no fucks.

Fine then. Watch my 49 minute youtube video called “Why feminists are ruining gaming” where I talk about that one girl who didn’t date me that one time. Also, I don’t play video games.

what a bunch of babies

Who are these women who side with men on every.single.damn.thing? Who are these women who refuse to believe that gender wage gap is real? Who are these women that think they “don’t need feminism” because women in other countries have it worse (so we should just stop trying, I guess)? I simply don’t understand this

Alternatively: “Don’t Do This Shitty Thing And Speak Up If You See Others Doing It.”

It’s not that we’re pretending they are something new. We are just appreciating that they are now on a platform that actually works.

Most consumers lack two things. Self-control and common sense.

“there’s really not many excuses left for not being able to pay for a show.”

Oh man you must be so fun at parties.

I mean, if it had an Apple logo and ran OS X...

Brave had both parents present, but I definitely see what you mean. Now if we could just get two parents who are the same gender...

  • 2lbs

Surface Pro 3 with 128GB storage and a keyboard is $1130.

This is a teapot, you don't actually boil the water in this either.

Look guys, I'm an idiot.

I prefer Alfred to Quicksilver and Transmission to uTorrent, but this is a really good list. Other than those two, I use probably ever recommended app (if I have a need in that particular category).
