
All true, but I still need to make rent and eat. So, if I want to make a living out of making my own games, I need to consider what are the best ways of actually making my game profitable. I’m not willing to starve myself and my family in the name of art.

Nope. I usually do some research beforehand and I rarely buy stuff on impulse (except for Humble Bundles), so I’m pretty sure I won’t request a refund, unless it’s for serious technical reasons (e.g. the game crashes, or is extremely buggy, or the developer promises a version for my OS that never comes out, etc).

Part of being an individual is having the freedom to be true to yourself, regardless of what other people think you should/shouldn’t do. You’re no more of an individual for not taking selfies than you’d be if you took them.

I have the same question. I got the impression that only the digital titles will get that feature, but I really hope they can get it working on the disc-based games.

Would love to see a comparison between DirectX 11 and Mantle performance with AMD cards!

Yep, Greninja was seriously nerfed with this patch, to the point of making me stop maining him. Transitioning from running to UpSmash is also harder now. It was a heck of a finisher and now it's almost impossible of pull off smoothly.

Weirdly, the clips display at 60fps on Safari (OS X Yosemite) as well! They look great!

Did he really draw that concept art? I never knew he was an artist. That's some pretty awesome stuff!

"...not that you can alter them without buying a new machine..."

It's a shame that it's going to be an XBLA (timed?) exclusive... Wanted this on PC/Mac! Hopefully, it'll happen sooner or later.

I had no glitches during my first run. They only started appearing when I started a new game for my gf. Missing geometry, messed up animations, sound out-of-sync, etc. Pretty much game-breaking stuff (had to delete her save and start again). Thankfully, these seem to be rare occurrences.

No cross-play? What a horrible decision... They could easily include a number of smaller/less visually cluttered stages for 3DS vs Wii U multiplayer.

That was made clear after he (and others at EA) started referring to this next generation as "Gen 4", as if the industry started with the PSOne.

Would love to know his take on the whole EA vs Nintendo episode, now that he has no dog in the fight.

No Mac/Linux support from the get-go or as a stretch goal = no sale, as far as I'm concerned. I wish it the best of luck, though. It seems like it has a lot of potential.

Hmmm, no it won't... It's coming to PSN, XBLA and Steam.

I own a Wii U and I'm pretty sad to see the current state of things. It obviously won't be my only console this gen (I plan on buying a PS4), but, even so, it pains me to see a pretty great and innovative piece of hardware failing to attract users and developers. I just hope that they're able to pull off a 3DS-like

Really..? I can build a rig that's almost as good as next-gen hardware for that price. I seriously doubt that the "Piston" will be able to deliver that kind of performance. I'll wait and see, but it seems like an overpriced piece of mid-range hardware to me...

This would be right at home on the PS3 (or Vita), especially if they assigned each shape to the corresponding button on the Dualshock.

Last year I traded my launch-day 3DS for a Vita. In a few weeks, I'll be trading my Vita for a black 3DS XL. Don't get me wrong, I actually really like the Vita, and with PS Plus I get free games every month, but the console fails to keep me invested in it and nowadays it just sits on my desk collecting dust. Maybe