
Of course not. And generalising, like he sort of did, is the wrong way to deal with the issue. But, even as a white guy, I don't feel offended by what he said. I get that he was offended and I get that he was blowing off steam. I don't agree with him putting all "white men" under the same banner, but seeing as he's

That is a very true statement. And I intend to do just that.

And some people still doubt that this guy was a true pioneer and visionary.

I'm not trying to be a white knight. I just think behaviour like this should be considered offensive.

If he's actually seeking legal action, I doubt he's still showing up for work.

Unless you're a black, asian, hispanic, etc man or woman living in a predominantly white/caucasian environment, I'm gonna go ahead and say that no, you haven't experienced racism.

I think you may have missed the point. But if you wanna go through life saying what you want without thinking if it might offend other people, go ahead! If you think people HAVE to understand your intentions every time you say some offensive comment and that you do not have to think about the implications of what

He's not "racist and discriminatory". He's making a generalisation.

What you find offensive SHOULD matter to me and to other people. Because people should (at least) try not offend their friends, coworkers, etc. Even if something is "not meant" to be offensive it can sometimes be. It all depends on the receiver of the comment, not on the intention of the person who makes the comment.

Of course two wrongs don't make a right. But it's easy for us to speak from a position of privilege and as people who have never dealt with racism in our lives. For him, who has probably dealt with it every day of his life, it's not so easy. And, also, he probably wrote that blog post while angry at the whole

You don't define what's offensive or not for other people. Get that through your thick skull.

As a black man he probably deals with white privileged males on a daily basis. Can you really blame him for writing a few generalisations of his own, having just been a target of blatant racism?

The kind of shit some people go through in the XXI century is incredible. It boggles my mind how our culture can still have such deep-rooted racism and discrimination after everything humanity, as a whole, has gone through. Forming an entire company on the basis that "everyone who doesn't fit has to be 'eliminated' or

Not really. I feel weirder when I plunk down $60 on a game and then read on some website that the game's lead designer has bought a couple of Ferraris and/or Lamborghinis.

Like a dedicated gaming console? Oh wait, those are already outdated/obsolete at launch.

You're right and the generalisation was a bit exaggerated.

That's probably because, in your world, a man's pecs have exactly the same cultural and sexual meaning as a woman's breasts. In my world, they're not perceived as the same, so excuse me for making statements based on my world's cultural paradigms.

Oh, my bad! Didn't get the meaning of "PC".

Of course there's a place for everything. I'm all for it!

I don't know if you're calling me a "PC guy", but I'm a console gamer and don't even have a gaming PC! :P