The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

idk, it’s not up my musical alley so I couldn’t even name an INXS song, but they were picking things that would be fun and challenging to cover and would require people to do something different than what they normally do.  Maybe INXS will sound more palatable to you filtered through another artist.  That’s the

so many jokes are just straight up cartoon logic, too. obviously there’s the uzi falling down the stairs bit, but for my money when the bird lands on a truck and then it falls and explodes? that’s the good stuff. that’s literally looney tunes.

According to the county coroner that's exactly how it happened.

He was always just peak “Hey, I read something interesting on Wikipedia and had to write a comic about it”. If he had started five years later he’d have been a YouTuber.

How about an “Outland” series? I want to know about how mining is going on Io and whether Sean Connery’s character really improved things for the workers there.

“…she worked on a kibbutz and eventually joined Zionist paramilitary organization Haganah, where she was trained as a scout and a sniper. After sustaining a serious injury in the 1947-1949 Palestine war, Westheimer left what was, by then, the State Of Israel…”

Also, I’m not sure condoms aresupposed to be bulletproof.” Obviously, Breadnmaters does not mean that they’re literally bulletproof. But does anyone think condoms never fail?

Sure, if the guy makes his own condoms, yeah.

If you want to see endless semaphore just watch the kids dance on TikTok. I’ve never seen so much arm waving in my life.

They cost me nothing.

The only time I’d ever heard one was when my cousin up in Mackay had one about 25 years back. They weren’t a thing in southeast Queensland 

White dudes using beards and chrome domes to compensate for the fact they went bald at 23 are not worth listening to, full stop. YouTube is infested with these twats. 

Thanks for this piece. I don’t often get to humblebrag: my first published article is on Powell and Pressburger’s  The Red Shoes. Scorcese calls these works “pure film”. There is so, so very much more. If Scorcese’s first exposure to the film was in black and white, seeing TRS in Technicolor must have been euphoric.


Sounds like those “real” fruit drinks that have 5% juice and 95% artificial flavor and sugar.

You know how Kraft isn’t allowed to call their product “cheese”?

Just next door we got our own crime against culinarity:

Haha! Zweitfrisur-sort-of?