Instant mashed potatoes? Intrigued. Watcha got?
Instant mashed potatoes? Intrigued. Watcha got?
Leave it to an Australian to make the best joke about US politics.
All chaps are assless - that’s what makes them chaps.
Literally at this moment I noticed it was transparent. I’ll be gosh-darned.
That’s exactly what I’m talking about. I experienced things like that repeatedly with my friend. If it was something more down-to-earth - I remember we went into a head shop in the West Village together one time, for instance - every male employee would help, like a rotating swarm. And we were just casually browsing…
Aren’t profilers wrong more often than they're right?
Lol a fair point and you’re right.
Did we not say all we needed to say with the first Devil Wears Prada?
Edge Harder
I have an (obviously) very beautiful friend who used to be a big-time fashion model. Italian “Vogue” layouts and all that. Back in the day, I heard her mention to a friend on the phone that she was walking around all afternoon, and not a single person eyed her! This was shocking to her. She also used to get things…
No, you’re not. You’re just doing the usual right-wing troll thing of saying something shit, then claiming you’re from an outgroup you hate in the belief that others will go “Oooh, that outgroup they say they’re a part of must shit!”
I hate to say it, but the only ticket that could come out of nowhere and totally dominate would be a Swift/Knowles ticket. They could announce the day before the election and win in a write-in landslide. Would it be worse than another four years of Trump and his cronies?
Ok, I figured it out for desktops at least. You gotta play around with your tracking protections. If you have them set on anything above “normal” (custom or strict), the comments won’t load. Can’t make mobile work though, oh well
Ok, that makes sense. I’ve never had any OpenWeb stuff work for me on mobile. Appears it doesn’t work on Firefox (desktop) either
There was talk of the hole unionising, so...yeah. Buh-bye from Bezos.
No one is accusing the American voting public of rationality and intelligence here.
40 years his junior? idk where you got your math degree buddy but she was 20 years old and he was in his mid-40s in 2003. Not getting into age gap discourse, but that’s 20 years not 40 lol
gave it a shot but as usual it was just way too slow and too many questions that i suspect would not get answered for a couple of seasons if ever.
It was a fairly mediocre show. I'm kinda surprised it got a second season.