The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

It’s the same for caravanners - the vaunted “grey nomads” - in Australia. Take up an inordinate amount to resources for tiny towns, but actually contribute fuck-all. They bring their own food, own accommodation, but towns are expected to build and maintain camp sites for them.

Was it in front of Hungry Jacks? It was in front of the Queen Street Hungry Jacks, wasn’t it?

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He can always go back to doing ads if he’s short of a few quid.

And that key is usually something like M, or R#.

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Honestly, Hendrix had the right idea. Hendrix had the right idea about most things.

Look, I’m only going to say this once about the Poms, but, dammit, the UK is the only country on earth that’s better when it’s going a bit shit.


The banality of evil, as Arendt (and that NPC from No One Lives Forever) said.

Worked with a bloke who was on the 2nd unit for Street Fighter.

Oh, christ, I wish Adam McKay would go back to straight comedies instead of his I AM MORE CONCERNED ABOUT IMPORTANT THINGS THAN YOU ARE bullshit.

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a number of famous Aussies coming from closer to its South Hemisphere root

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Like all good Aussie kids of the 90s, it’s run the maze in A*mazing:

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Chili and Bandit are, indeed, the parents their parents warned them about.

The best bit is how his audition went down:

The milsim game Operation Flashpoint had it play, with quotes from various world leaders, during the installation of the game. That was the first place I heard it, and it was awesome. 

That’s always awkward when see Black people sing the anthem - you, uh, you gonna sing the bit where your ancestors were gleefully killed for trying to attain the freedom you venerate?

Kali Reis was the best thing about Night Country. Absolutely powerhouse, and she should be a goddamn star.

...this message brought to you by the Guild of Millers.

It really is the best. I’ll give ‘em that.

I mean, yeah, anyone with a modicum of business sense is going to get away from the guy who managed to lose money on a casino.