The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

I love how you can plot such things. For example, the Red Dawn reboot absolutely marks the endpoint of China being the villain, because they had to spend millions in post-production to change everything to North Korea.

I also maintain that Endgame aside most of the MCU movies go out of their way to cater to people who got dragged to them and didn’t see the others. Often via clunky exposition.

Now playing

Really? The best Aussie band you could come up with is INXS? My friend, there’s a much better all-caps, initialism-for-a-name Aussie band out there.

“’OO EEZ ZIS SHEET FOR? ‘AR-RY?” is the line that sticks in my mind.

Jesus Christ. How much Marvel shit is there?

He was always just peak “Hey, I read something interesting on Wikipedia and had to write a comic about it”. If he had started five years later he’d have been a YouTuber.

I mean, I’ve blown some loads after a week, while I was dehydrated, and none of them approached even the muzzle energy of an airsoft pistol.

Nah, Fox News just said he immediately book a plane ticket to Meridian, Pennsylvania.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.


How about a Highlander serie- wait. Shit. No. 

I like how they both look like side characters from 90s teen movies. Billie looks like the artsy stoner whose work consists of nothing but drawing circles on everything and is...pretty sure...she knows where the guy the the protagonists are looking for is. She thinks. Amelia looks like the history teacher who isn’t

Zionists are monsters.

You mean "petard". 

The more I found out about the case, the more of a fuckin’ goatfuck of a clownshow of a cake & arse party it seems.

Dude, do you not have a condom armourer in-bedroom (or bathroom, or frozen food section of the supermarket - hey, I’m not here to kinkshame) on hand at all times and watching whilst you engage in coitus?

Sure, if the guy makes his own condoms, yeah.