The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

Tip for the guys (and gals) out there: if a woman you’re seeing ever says her favourite book is Wuthering Heights, fucking run. Jump through a plate glass window if you have to.

It’s the proto-YA novel. 

She had to do absolutely zero acting in order to play Camilla in The Crown.

Navy's gotta increase recruitment among Gen Z somehow, Bread. 

Games desperately want to be seen as art, and developers as artists, but then they consistently pull the most anti-art shit. 

Dude, the production team has medicine specifically for Andy’s condition.

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Nah, Bread, that’s a pretty good thing to proud of - the Archers were amazing filmmakers.

They cost me nothing.

Does Warwick count as SEQ? There were a few around there, and on the rest of the Downs, when I was up there as a kid.

White dudes using beards and chrome domes to compensate for the fact they went bald at 23 are not worth listening to, full stop. YouTube is infested with these twats. 

Like 90% of Australia’s “ice cream” brands had to knock the words “ice cream” off their packaging, marketing, and anything because, it turned out, they did not meet the legal definition of ice cream:

I just now realised that Michael Bay looks like what you’d get if American made a Jimmy Savile. 

Rick & Morty fans and anime fans are the same cohort.

Now that I think about it, it’s just called “creamy mash” (or “creamy mash loves sausages” which is just...not a good name). Not “mashed potato”. At no point does the name of product specify, or allude to, potatoes being involved. That feels deliberate.

Fuck off, I don’t touch that shit.

Oh man, the Swarm. Orbiters. Planets.

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Thanks to Venture Bros, every time I hear or see “General Westmoreland”, I just think of Jame’s Urbaniak’s excellent delivery of “Oh, good plan, General West-MORON.”

Man, remember this shit used to be on Newgrounds for free?

The “Made with Real Potato” is somehow less reassuring. 

I’m gonna say no, Bread. Not because I have any functioning knowledge of the German language beyond what I learned from WWII movies, but because that word you just wrote is only eleven letters long which is about, like, a sixth as long as the actual word probably is.