The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

Also, IIRC, the armourer, who was basically just some twenty-something on her first real job, was shooting live rounds off and generally fucking with the same guns on breaks in shooting.

Does he ever take Charlotte to the club on her birthday? Maybe drink Bacardi?

There’s gotta be a German word for people whose hair looks like a wig but is not a wig.

A culinary war crime.

Actual rural Aussie here. She made a film about deb balls? I had to google it - I’ve never heard of it.



The Old Man Season 2?

She can hang out with Jerry Seinfeld, and they can bitch about wokeness together.

No joke, I legit thought the AV Club was doing a piece on Gina Rinehart from the greasy hair in that title pic.

Imagine going through 72 prototypes of that dress to get to...whatever Lena’s wearing.

Look, not everyone can pull off wearing a motel shower curtain. 

That’s not why it’s getting made. This is why:

With hair? 

Translation: "It was already the title of a porn movie." 

Aren’t profilers wrong more often than they're right? 

I’ve seen that film. 

China wants to start shit in Taiwan they’d better give a six-week heads up.

Maybe they weren’t lying and he really was still jetlagged after 12 days. Which is a more terrifying thought. 

Hey. My taxes paid for 3/4 of Furiosa.