The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

Did we not say all we needed to say with the first Devil Wears Prada?


Yeah, I took an absolutely gorgeous friend - think (and I mean no offence to Rashida Jones, but my friend is a very high bar to clear) Rashida Jones but even more gorgeous - to high tea at a Brisbane hotel, because I’m weird like that. Also, sipping tea and nibbling cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off whilst

He should rent a flat above a shop!

“Sorry. No can do on the Community movie this week. We needed a cat that’s can open a filing cabinet for this gag on my show and, well, Tibbles the Wonder Kitty is book solid save for these two weeks in August we managed to get him. I mean, his agent’s a real motherfucker in negotiations.

Not really. We did with a vote what ‘Murrica had to do with guns. We’re still an independent country, and it’s disappointing to see that you’re buying into the Seppo bullshit that everyone in the commonwealth is still operating back in the time they still are - the 18th Century.

1. Yes, you are.

What’ve you got against macadamia nuts? 

Was obviously talking about after the possible post election upheaval.

Never said they were. However, on track records of Fucking Up The Entire Planet To Appease Its Own Citizens, the USA remains the undisputed world champions.

That’s only because we’ve got much better food.

Why should we have to clear up your mess?

So, Yanks: how’re you gonna violently and non-consensually fuck the rest of the world in the arse this time?

Heeeey...are Gerard Butler's agent? 

Reminds me of when years ago there was some investigative TV show bit where they took a gorgeous woman, put her in a fat suit, hagged her up with makeup, and sent her into a shopping centre. Followed her around with a hidden camera.

GIFs you can hear.

Not that I’m defending them, but the 98-year-old Lords never turn up most of the time.

I think the problem is is that Trump’s dementia is no different to his behaviour from the last 70+ years or so. can’t really call it a decline...technically speaking.

I’m left, but fuck me the left couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery.