The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

There’s something to be said about the irony that, every time America regime-changes a country, they tend to install a parliamentary system.

No, you’re not. You’re just doing the usual right-wing troll thing of saying something shit, then claiming you’re from an outgroup you hate in the belief that others will go “Oooh, that outgroup they say they’re a part of must shit!”

Don’t ever mention CP2077 and Strange Days in the same sentence again.

I’m just waiting for him to have a massive coronary on the shitter, his aorta rending at the exact same time, in the exact same manner, as his sphincter trying to birth an eight-inch wide turd that’s the consistency of Chobham armour.

Yeah, give it to a shitty Mormon author, that’ll fix it.

Yeah, give it to a shitty Mormon author, that’ll fix it.

I told a lie; I remember it used to work on Opera Mobile for me, but never Chrome. 

One’sh a shick duck and I forget how the resht goesh but YOU’RE MOTHER’SH A WHORE.

As someone who’s part Chink, part Irish, I fucking love Blazing Saddles.

Oh, hell no. And Biden is the better choice, yes - but only because there’s two choices.

Holy mother of mercy McGillicuddy, books are back!

So, we all get old, we cannae hack it any more, and that’s it?

At this fucking stage I’d take a Chet Hanks-Beyoncé ticket.

There was talk of the hole unionising, so...yeah. Buh-bye from Bezos.

Oh shit. They’re on OpenWeb, which is a shitshow of a platform. Worse than Kinja. I’ve never found a mobile browser it likes - when I used to comment on The Drive and The War Zone, it never loaded on mobile. 

Was that the one where there's a sinkhole in California that leads to Melbourne, or something? 

No one is accusing the American voting public of rationality and intelligence here.