The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

We really need to shitcan the submarine deal. 

Just replace him with Harris and tell him he's still president and won. Not like he'd notice, anyway. 

And learn how BMW styles its cars by taking a shitload of bad acid and drinking a pint of varnish!

$39,000 is a fucking amazing Jeopardy score, in any game of it. Jeez, most get luck to get half that at the end of a round.

Actual cinema discussion on the AV Club? Like, atypical, out-there, niche cinema?

One of the finest moments in cinema.

Wolf staring in dead-eyed shock straight down the barrel of the camera, Dana appearing to be incredulously sizing him up, and Andy standing there, one hand on the desk, jaw set and a look of confident determination in his eye like a ship captain standing on the bridge...perfect.

No questions about handing Wolf Blitzer’s arse to him on Jeopardy?

One thing I’ll give the BR dealio credit for is that, well, if there is a movie/TV show where the robots/replicants set up a resistant organisation, BR fits the bill much better than others, since the replicants are largely human. And I don’t just mean “Gosh, they look like people”. They actually have, on some level,

No doubt available here:

Now playing

Well, Donny Benét is still available for all your consensual singing-walrus insemination needs.

User name definitely checks out. 

Conversely, the reason The Hitman's Bodyguard didn't work was because Ryan Reynolds was playing it straighter than a homophobic pool cue. 

Lifespans are on the way down all over, sadly. 

At least one of them is recalling a bunch of cars...again. 

Dude can no doubt rock a boater.

That’s way better than what I said.

It’s almost retroactively subversive, I suppose you could say - since the latter Rambos have nearly erased the idea of First Blood, and the latter Rambo character has entered pop culture history as a byword for being over-the-top violent. Rediscovering First Blood would feel like a subversion of the dominant Rambo