The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

SEO sez it’s not worth writing about unless there’s some hot-topic names attached to it, in this Goldberg and Harrington that you can link back to other stories, and gain more hits in the Google.

Look, let’s just be happy Awkwafina is using her white accent.

I know that, technically, Tim Burton is an auteur, but gosh darn it feels wrong to call him that.

Just pretend the book title is “THE LOTTERY AND OTHER STORIES” with the “AND OTHER STORIES” in really tiny type the the sweatshop Koreans couldn’t drawn into the animation. 

The people of Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” didn’t gather in the square between the post office and the bank around ten o’clock on June 27th just for Awkwafina to bastardize their holy tradition 70 years later.

(“Kevin’s Gate” was already used for Waterworld.)

My favourite comic book film - in that, well, just the way it’s filmed and written and framed and everything it really does feel like a comic book, in movie form. 

He literally only kills one (1, uno, singular) person in First Blood, and that’s mostly through sheer dumb luck. And not even with a gun or knife.

What do you mean it’s a bit shi-

The bit that cemented Cruise to me as one of the finest actors around was when he swaggers into Brendan Gleeson’s office, all Madison Avenue slickness and Don Draper Charm, with the friendliest smile on his face, and then Gleeson tells him he’s not here for PR, he’s going in with the first wave.

There’s only one person I want to do a Taylor Swift biopic.

Ray Liotta couldn’t control that!

I can’t be the first person to make the “Horizon’s Gate” joke, right?

Well, you’re British, so you don’t have the cultural history of the halcyon days of America that Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 1 portrays, when millions of pieces of punctuation roamed the great prairies of the West and any rugged, self-reliant man with grit, determination, and manifest destiny could round up as

Where’s Donald Glove fit into all of this?

Tom Hanks is in this?!’s basically a copy-paste of the first film, plot-wise? This bodes poorly. 

Hey, don’t you lump me in with those bigoted fuckwits.