The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

We’re getting at the crux of what these whinging fucker tradcons (and they are merely tradcons) really think: there’s no such thing as a bad action in their tiny, glass-smooth brains, but simply groups of people who are permitted to do things, and people who aren’t.

I bet it chaps your dessicated cuntflaps that you’re part of the 3% no one wants to sexually assault.

Nah, you’re thinking of the ol’ Savco Tordon axes:

Oh. Right. You’re a spider.

Well, there’s you never taking a shit in Asia.

God, I loved her in The Thomas Crown Affair.

No love for Golf Costner?

You guys really need The Worm™:

I’m still gonna be in the greys in the new system, but. 

Oh, I’m sure the surgeon had some great photos. Just none of the ones that ended up with the patients looking like Jocelyn Wildensteins.

I will bet you someone else’s left nut that the entirely premise of BL3 was dreamt up by Randy because there was some 19-year-old titty streamer on Twitch he was really, really, really trying to impress and maybe sleep with.

Ah, the Pacific Northwest timber industry. Creators of the finest double-bit axe to come out of the US: the Sager Chemical Puget Sound Falling pattern.

You guys need a parliament.

I’m not American, but I sincerely think the best fucking thing to do for the good of the entire fucking planet would be to have some Secret Service agent or staffer or White House cleaner or somebody to “accidentally” spill some olive oil or soapy water or something on the floor where he’s about to walk.

Is Diplo short for diplodocus? 

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Politely disagree on that being the best scene...

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Meh, Armstrong & Miller were the real pioneers here.

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I hope they at least played the theme song Regurgitator wrote back in 1997 for today’s Nicole when Zac first lays eyes on her.

Wot am I playing this weekend?