The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority


If it makes you feel any better, she plays a fantastic Regency-era whore in Taboo.

Does this video at least contain 4:3 ratio footage of a tape being inserted into a VCR, complete with retro VCR tracking errors, titles, and static after the intro?

His last joke would be to completely destroy his legacy.

You know what’s an awesome lawn? Clover. You know why we “hate” it?

And, much like L. Ron Musk, those people got all their wealth (ie, land) thanks to generous government subsidies. In Britain’s case, it was “enclosures”. Enclosures were acts of parliament that gave previously public lands - the commons, as they were called, where people who, say, owned a single cow for milking or a

Jesus, don’t let this be movie Mel Brooks goes out on.

Like this bike movie could ever hope to dethrone the GOAT:

Goddamn dragons.

That’s just how right-wingers think they make friends.

Exactly. Corporations don’t do activism. They do marketing.

Oh, you know those shifty, shrewd mavens at the American Egg Board are already all over a placement deal...

I figured all that pro-isolationism campaigning he did in 1980s - coincidentally (surprise!) after an all-expenses paid trip to Moscow to stay in a bugged hotel room - would’ve had a few more people twig on...

I agree. The fewer biopics about women who’re implied to be the reason their husbands did great things, the better. (Bonus points if they’re wealthy and in the 19th century or something and her contribution to “family” life basically consists of barking orders at servants in between gossiping over tea with others of

Never saw it. Heard it was a Greengrass film.

Did Fuller go full Cimino on this? Did he insist all the cabins be torn down and rebuilt six feet further apart? 

See, thing is, hockey masks don’t look like hockey masks on camera. You gotta use authentic Mayan jade funerary masks.

Will there be soldiers in this? 

Ooooh, I know brand of takeaway coffee cup is gonna be left on the table in one shot...

I believe it’s a prequel to Two Guys & A Girl.