The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

You fuckers needed Lee Harvey Oswald in 2017.

I love that a guy who chose the name “AmericaTheGuy” is lecturing a member of a country he knows nothing about on that country’s own culture, proving the name is doubly apt by being a xenophobic, racist bigot and completely missing the irony. 

Weelll, rather specifically, I’m hoping some RAAF navigator dropped one of these...

“I’m so sorry, Mr. Iger. The projector screen seems to be stuck in the ceiling and we can’t get it down - we can watch the rushes on Dave’s laptop, or if you’d like to reschedule we’ll have Maintenance-”

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: SEO is a fucking cancer.

I appreciate the cultural perspective, but you’re talking to one of the painfully white, painfully New York hipsters whose worldview begins in Manhattan and ends in Brooklyn and who believes their socio-cultural world view is the only correct one.

Wasn’t the modern Mulan’s feminist message actually worse the dark, unenlightened 1998 version?

He’s holding a small fortune in spermaceti.

Dude could pay for his kids’ college and down payments on their houses renting it out as billboard space.

Given that women have longer life expectancies overall, that’s more a win for you than us. 

It is...magnificent.

Massive Venture Bros fan here - agreed.

Fucking hell, that’s an epic forehead. 

Good heavens, Lieb! Have some sympathy!

Wait, was this a South Park episode?

Dunno why everyone’s so keen to see Grande do it. She’s just gonna grab all Sean’s wings, lick them, and then put them back his plate.

How the hell am I out of the greys here?