The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

Ah, Roland Emmerich: the unthinking man’s Michael Bay.

Sony’s Japanese. It’ll be S+.

It’s all just one homogeneous mass at this point. Films, TV shows, games, comics, lunchboxes, whatever, emulsified together in Disney’s patented Content Blender, forcefully delivered right to the sweaty basements of hardcore nerds and pumped straight down their throats, gag reflexes be damned, without them having to

Oh, right, that was shot out here. 

Molon labe, shitcunts.

emotional constipation

What armour is Vesemir wearing on the right there- oh. 

At the end of the day, this just means Bomer’s perfectly qualified to play Batman.

slaps baseball bat into open palm

Hey now. Priming the pump today about being abused at Nickelodeon will come in handy for any looming, self-instigated PR shitshows in her future.

Were these in any way in any competition with one another? That’s the whole thesis of this piece, right?

They had to de-age Hetfield, because if they used what he looks like now the kids’d think it’s a Witcher crossover.

Now playing

It was a unicorn moment for me - listening to Triple J, deeeeeeep in the dark Richard Kingsmill malaise years. Triple J is Aussie national Youth radio station, with a mandate for playing new and upcoming music, regardless of record-company backing, without fear or favour. Richard Kingsmill was the wanker who

Any thoughts as to the new comments system, Josh? I know Kinja gets a bad rap - and rightfully so - but I actually kinda like it for being easy to read, and type into. It’s got good formatting, and gives comments almost as much weight as the article. I know people are fond of Disqus, but I think that’s more from the

I didn’t even watch the show, and even I was pissed off at that. Absolutely no reason to do it other than wave about the fact that, what, they got to view a reviewer screener before the ep was dropped? Or are they really just that goddamn solipsistic?

There’s an extremely niche nursing home joke I could make here.