The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

And the fucking a-bet-each-way snark designed to piss off/appeal to everyone (“We all know Tom Hanks fans are the worst - haha, just kidding, Hanksians - or are we?”) can piss off. 

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Aww, there’s better Brissie bands than Wolfmother to cover:

Christ almighty, Stay Positive is such a fantastic album. You could pick any song off it for a cover and I’d be happy.

Not fucking OpenWeb, that’s for damn sure. 

I kinda like Kinja, because it’s the rare commenting system where the comments are given as much prominence as the article itself. I’m using Disqus on other sites,’s not great. 

Honestly, I was cynical enough to think it was gonna be “We’re gonna be doing the same shit, but because our psychopathic MBAs think that changing owners is all the change you need and bring as much joy to the users as it does to us” - it’s rare to see someone buy something for its intrinsic value, not merely its

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Yay, the AV Club’s version of Like A Version is back!

Man, Netflix sent out a cubic arse-ton of press packs and swag for this film, huh?

There’s a great article by a Vancouver CG animator over on about the screwing over of the animators:

Did someone force you to reply to my comment?

Look, I could, but I’m gonna need an young priest, an old priest, three live chickens, a bag of salt, and seven red beeswax candles. 

Editors: They’re not just for spelling and punctuation...

Did you not pay attention to the 2010s? It was wall to wall 80s (referred) nostalgia bullshit.

I’m sure the rest of the kids in the playground think you’re cool, knappster.

The Murdaugh Murders? Screw that. When’re we gonna get The Moidaugh Moidas?

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Well, it’s gotta be at least twelve years - you know the rules, Franky:

I have no idea who that is. Then again, every time I see the name “Chapell Roan”, I figure it’s got to be a location from a Dan Brown novel, where Bob Langdon has to go to solve a puzzle to obtain Mary Magdalene’s holy dildo to combine it with John The Baptist’s toenail clippings in order to stop the Catholic Church

It’s the piggy eyes and overbite.