The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

Yeah, but he failed to realise that Halshey acted shtupidly. 

In addition to being one of the most distinctive voices in cinema

I’m not much of a celebrity-chaser - actually, I’m not at all - but of all the celebrities out there, Alec and his wife are, like, probably at the bottom the of the list of people whose lives I’d like some sort of insight into.

There’s a famous satirical news site down here in Aus who specifically make their money by taking the piss out of clients who pay them (“Local arsey bastard goes all-in on new Ford Ranger after pokies win”). Same thing, I guess.

You know, I’d never actually seen a picture of Halsey before.

It’s Zod the Zionist - all that poor cunt has going for himself is that, thanks to a minor quirk of ethnicity, there’s a chance that he could move to a country where he’s not a massive loser - hence his hard-on for colonisation and genocide.

Eh, give Bibi and his Torah Taliban mates time. They’re rather busy ethnically-cleansing at the moment.

I’m a PC gamer, and I couldn’t give a rat’s arse about graphical upgrades on PC ports - but I wish they’d focus more on tweaking the interface to KBM, because that sort of legerdemain you mention is a right pain.

Now playing

The fast food thing, but, did give up a perfect intro:

It’s worth it alone for the Tarantino/Sorkin ghostwriting, and, of course, Sean. It’s never fully explained how he escaped, but, judging from his performance, I assume he just straight-up chewed through the very walls of Alcatraz.

Now playing

It’s no rowboat, that’s for damn sure.

And Shelley Miscavige.

Not like those decadent and depraved North Koreans with their dozens of state-sanctioned haircuts. 

The Housers would've found an even cuter rodent to genocide, I suppose. 

Snakes and spiders and box jellyfish and blue-ringed occies are cool; horses are just outright cunts.

Dude’s wearing an 80s yuppie bathroom.

As a guy who works in female-dominated fields, I’m glad you didn’t gender who’s pushing back.

Jesus fucking Christ, have you been reading Todd Howard’s dream journal?

I still want a codpiece that makes a honking noise which I grab it. Or when anyone grabs it, really.

Exactly. It’s like breaking into a shop, then turning up the next day to sell ‘em an alarm system. Gotta create a demand.