The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

Well, there’s always China, who, once again, have outpaced us in the West with their Social Credit system, and I can definitely see some socially-incompetent techbro thinking it’s a good idea.

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Fun fact: Dafoe got booted off the set of his first film, Michael Cimino’s infamous Heaven’s Gate, for giggling.

Fuck off, those things have tried to kill me enough already. 

He also confirms that he does get Tom Cruise’s famous Christmas coconut cake. “It’s so good. It makes me believe in a lot of things.”

That, and Group B. 

But it’s the Farewell Tour! Your last chance!

You're thinking of Bubi. 

I’m going to have to start by apologising. Franky has a penchant for the dramatic.

I mean, yeah, “brand experience”, sure, but their lane has always been high-fructose corn syrup children’s entertainment aimed squarely at WASP middle America.


Just think of the possibilities for the Edge Cinematic Universe! The ECU!

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And now, the Not The Nine O’Clock News Darts sketch...

This is pop culture now.

Wait, that’s meant to be Lara Croft in the trailer?

Yup, it’s a ridiculous assertion - average isn’t mean. Aussie rural reporter here - so, far closer to Franky than Bazzd is.

Well, I know that’s not true for Franky, since I sincerely doubt the US government is subsidising Australian farmers, no matter how you AVERAGE it.

I’m just glad there’s someone finally bringing a bit of class to the game.