The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

But enough about your two favourite dildos. What of the children’s films?

It really pisses me off from an artistic perspective.

Aye. Doing something ironically is still fucking doing it

But surprise pornography is the best pornography!

I mean, yeah, if you’re the kinda nerd who runs DND games you’re bound to have emotional issues.

I’m sure the Toy Story 5 script isn’t set in stone yet.

Ya know, I really enjoyed the last one. Most of those generation gap plot movies are shit, but BB4L really it handled well. 

We are truly blessed that Hugh Grant has reached “Fuck it, I don’t give a fuck” stage of his career. 

Is that better or worse than the equivocation that everything a bunch of Zionist shitcunts, still angry they never got to do the Fascism thing in the 1940s, do in a small American colony on the arse-end whose only industry is giving out handjobs to Evangelicals of the Mediterranean represents all Jewish people all

When you smell it, you'll know. 

Jon Hamm always looked old. He said when he was auditioning for roles as twenty year olds when he was twenty, the casting people would say “You can’t play this guy, but you can play his dad!”, while the actor of the guy who got the part Hamm was going for was three years older than Hamm.

It’s still not enough, but. Fortunately, Russell has become an isolated, weird survivalist who used his Wilderness Explorer skills to build a bunker network in the Ozarks where he’s been hoarding guns, explosives, and crazy manifestos against Bill Gates for the last twenty years.

Could be awkward. I hear they've cast Liam Neeson as a villain. 

We get a slick montage of him turning that walking frame into a quad-barrel shotgun. 

Tetris? Gimme a move on the Pajtinov and Pokhilko instead...ooh, it gets dark.

Carl’s wife come’s back as a zombie. And this time, Carl’s gotta put her down for good.

Fucking nerds, man. Nerds love this shit.

Why the hell is the West German Chancellor from 1969 to 1974 in this anyway? Didn’t he die in 1992?

Yeah, this is like making Solitaire: The Movie.