The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

Oh, sweet merciful Christ on a barbed wired buttplug, I fucking hope so.

I use bookmarks way more than I did twenty years ago - simply because a good page is like a gold nugget in mountain of crap these days. Good luck finding it again because Google deprioritised pages that, I dunno, use the word “corn” more than three times or whatever last Tuesday.

Elon’s gonna reinvent having to repack the ball joints with grease every week, isn’t he? Like the good ol’ days of the 1900s. 

Same reason Trump cheats at golf - it’s not just about winning, it’s about pulling one over someone else. 

It’s not just about beating the Porsche, it’s about smugly misleading people so they feel smarter. 

Not to throw shade on Glenn Close, but man, I hope she plays the spiteful old witch everyone in a forty mile radius has a motive for killing. 

Well, Tay-Tay stopped sending them press releases to warm over after the Paste buyout.*

And ruining a perfectly good Australian TV show?

Methton Blumenthal.

Yeah, we’re mostly here for the comments. It’s why Paste insisted on them being kept around. Stick around, please! You seem decent.

Charlie And The Great Glass Elevator does sound like it should be a novel about crack cocaine.

Or the pan-and-scan version of De Niro and Pacino in Heat!

Not to mention how offensive such a statement is to those afflicted with long-sightedness.

You mean Terence Howard, the man who discovered the Grand Unified Physics Theory, and put it into Geometry, and put Props on it?

I got a Star Wars notification for this? Man, these spin-offs are getting weird.


OK, I don’t usually post in meme form, but I came across this recently...and yeah, it’s bang on:

If there’s one thing I could bash into people’s skulls - ok, one of many things - it’s that doing something ironically is still fucking doing it.