The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority


“The rain in Seven falls mostly from the heavens.”

Only if you're a neckbeard. 

This does indeed sound like the grubbiest of gotcha journalism by the makers. 

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Reboot Mulligrubs, and they’ll be too fucking terrified to move:

I wish he’d go back to novels. The Beach is better than most think.

It’s competency porn, that’s why. It’s so good.

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It’s also what he looked for in his generals!

I can regale you with tales of my childhood horse called Sundance.

The whole thing’s quite a cute use of practical effects. Love the photos pasted to the windows, and how the chick is coyly leaning on the wall - or, rather, lying on the floor - at the end.

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C’mon, tell us you don’t find this sexy:


Get Don Hany or Firass Dirani!

I ask again: when the fuck did everyone start considering Leo some sort of actor? Sure, he’s a movie star. Yes.

“Noted Arsehole Shows Whole Arse With Rebel Moon”.

Don’t joke about that. Dewey's parents were so traumatised by their son's death they moved to Harlan County and took up crime. 

Oh, goody. Yet more media revolving around white Brooklyn hipsters.

Love was, and probably still is, rather messed up. But she grew up in and out of juvie, in a series of foster homes - the article mentions there was one home where she had to quote scripture before they would feed her - she played Blondie’s “Call Me” instead.