The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority
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The wildlings don’t seem compelling enough to build a show around.

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There’s only musical-sequel-to-a-dark-movie I recognise:

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No, but whatever he does it’s probably good he’s not around kids any more...

“I jusht remembered: it’sh againsht Sherviche polichy for agentsh to give out endorshementsh-

Man, I love it when they fucked with the shipping fandom. Put in all those kisses that didn’t happen, or happened to someone who wasn’t actually Mulder/Scully, or put them undercover as a couple.  

What, like what you just did with your little I-wanna-cosplay-as-an-artist rant? 

The funny thing is is that NSNA is a much more watchable film than Thunderball, a movie Connery sleepwalks through.

If you Israeli stans are so butthurt about Hamas being in power in Gaza then maybe you shouldn’t have put them in power.

Ah, we’re at the “well, whattaya gonna do?” stage of trying to justify the genocide. 

That’s not genocide.

No, the best sitcom couple was clearly Ted Bullpitt and his Kingswood.

Exactly. Either they were told the kill anything - literally anything - that moves once they entered Gaza, or they’re the product of a society and culture that’s honed them to kill Palestinians on sight. Or, more likely: both.

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Meh. Does she want to be hit with a Rhythm Stick?

My favourite thing about Capricorn One is the reason they fake it. It’s not some complicated geopolitical shell game, run from the halls of power in DC, to get one over the Russkies - it was because a shitty aerospace contractor got greedy.

No, no, NASA actually had no intention to go to the moon but they hired Kubrick to fake it, except the bastard was such a perfectionist he insisted they shoot on location. 

Man, imagine how envious Heinrich Himmler would be of that system. All he had to use was IBM punch cards.

Hey, now: it could also mean that the trigger-happy IDF has shot/bombed the hostages already!