The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

That’s the most likely scenario. If Trump suddenly ponies up the dough, you can bet it's Russian cash, as part of their strategy to cut off Ukrainian support (among other things). 

Needed one for Galaxy Quest, at least.

He’s always been the sort of guy who’d push someone in a wheelchair into a pool because he thought it’d be funny.


Now playing

Yeah. There’s that Family Guy cutaway gag...

You know what’s not getting rebooted? Sam Barsanti.

So, Herb finally sold the AV Club.

They were gonna get Bentonite Congratulate, but he couldn’t pronounce the character’s name.

Yup. I’ve never figured out that first one. These are flat-out offensive stereotypes, but, nope, he’s gotten a free pass for a quarter of a century. (Andy Kaufman operated in the 1970s, and Latka Gravas was at least from an fictitious country.)

He said that if anyone gives him any shit it’ll be “POW! RIGHT IN THE KISSER!” for ‘em.

The Japanese?

Using the Netflix Certified™ viewership statistics method of “TRUST US, BRO!”

Part of me wants to see a movie with him, Michael Rappaport, and Gal Gadot. I won’t watch it, but it’d be funny to have Michael Rappaport get anally fingered by SBC for...“comedy”.

His whole schtick is basically bullying and pressuring people into doing unfunnily stupid/gross/patently offensive things with him - but he’s somehow above it because he’s a) the one instigating it, and b) “in character”. Also, that “character” will likely be some hideous ethnic stereotype because...well, apparently

“In the deep, dark hills of eastern Pennsylvania"- wait. 

She’s looking good for someone give hundred years old. 

Honestly...that could legit work.

Man, America’s made Rebel go soft, because SBC is clearly a cunt.

I did not know that!