The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

Spotify man don’t need him ‘round, anyhow. 

My favourite story was when Chris Columbus was broke as shit and so Hughes tapped him to direct Christmas Vacation, Chris called up John and said “I know I need the work, but I simply cannot work with Chevy” and quit.

What, you don’t own a 22.2 Atmos system? Then fuck you."

“Sometimes, dead is better...”

That’s a bit of a black eye for you.

This is the most New York they’re kid thing I’ve heard. 

It’s probable he has a Russian Orthodox bishop or whate’er-the-fuck as an advisor, and those guys are all wholly-owned subsidiaries of the FSB (formerly KGB). It’s how they survived the atheist Communist years, by turning the whole church into state informants.

You know how there’s Oscar-bait movies - movies that pander directly to Hollywood bigshots who run awards ceremonies?

I do believe that’s how Sorkin describes his anus. 

Not entirely for free. The producers slip Immodium into her craft services for that. That’s like, what, five, ten bucks per production?

And Kimmel didn’t even get slapped.

Colonel Klink:

Multi, nothing makes me realise my posts are good and proper and correct than having you waddle up from your neckbeard nest in the basement and screech about them.

I can allow that people prefer episodic TV

Yup. Exactly. Thank you.

Well, one already did.

If this were Cannes, he’d have had his wedding tackle out, no worries, no envelope. 

Right? Colour-matching by Johnson & Johnson!

Is it Chris Brown?