The Password is Taco

I was promised goat murder

I will remember that.

Well who else could save prince melda

Agreed- I really feel like sony dropped the ball on that game. If they had held onto it for a few months it would have been the best launch title on any of the new generation systems by a long shot.

It's a fun game but would much rather see a super hi res puppeteer (which would have been a phenomenal ps4 launch game). I don't see tearaway benefitting from much of a face lift.

I'm butt hurt about all the butt hurt. Butthurtception.

Yes that has worked out super awesome for football videogames

I also thought it was fairly clear that *spoilers* SOTC was a prequel to ICO that occurred generations prior and set up the tragic conditions of the game. It seemed to be that that was actually the biggest twist at the end of SOTC. I was even under the impression that the villain in ICO was the princess of SOTC.

really? Greenface? In 2014? So disrespectful

it's always nice when two people can have a civilized discussion on the internet.

what the fuck are you talking about. What the fuck are you talking about. I hurt from reading this. Double latte is the only one of any serious value. What the fuck are you talking about.

sure. I also sat and played the game and enjoyed it. That doesn't mean I can't hope they do some things with a little more accuracy when it comes to how a room looks in the real world in the future.

off the top of my head? exposed air conditioning ductwork that doesn't have any vents or connect to anything at either end (but is closed off so it's not like it broke off of anything). Rooms that have exposed deck as the ceiling (which has a/c diffusers embedded in the ceiling -which I guess you could do but you'd

they can get into this level of detail on a chin but then they slap together spaces and elements that are ludicrous to anyone with a modicum of architectural knowledge. Yes that sounds like a nit pick but they just slap random "architectural elements" all over levels that, if you have a basic understanding of what

As long as we all agree that Donatello was the best in the nes game.

the same one getting tossed around in the cow one

we used to play a drinking game when the first of the bay transformers came out. It was called "transformers is totally racist". Someone would play by saying "no it isn't" and then drink everytime something racist happens. If youre drunk at the end of the movie you have to concede that it's a racist film. And it's

is that even a thing? I would buy this twice.

GOTY. Fight me.