The Password is Taco

Q.Q I don’t see Radiata Stories on this list.

I feel like it’s one of the most underappreciated JRPGs of PS2 by far, seeing as how innovative it literally was.

It featured a battle system where you could literally taunt most of the worthwhile characters in the game into fights as well as the way it did its city as a

I cringe at the thought of when my 18 mo old is old enough and will want to wait in those lines.

It was madness, and is madness. Fortunately with the fast pass the HP stuff was the only long wait, and that was only for the biggest ride Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. The fast pass is great for the rest of the park, we went out of the Spider Man ride (IMO one of the best things there) and right back in

Yikes... no thanks. I miss the days of 1-2hr lines max.

I loved the Spider-Man ride the best, even though we went there for the Harry Potter world. I love that the old ET ride is still going, old-school animatronics are so fun, but wonder why they would keep the f’ing TWISTER “ride” with 1995 Bill Paxton video narration and get rid of BTTF.

But we already have one of those, right?

It’s actually really fun, and the sequel (FFTA2) is even better. And I say this as someone who considers FFT to be one of the best 20 games ever made.


Al Gore was amazing, but man did he tick me off! I guess I found him too early or something, because he would regularly beat me silly. Even towards the middle of my gaming experience I had to throw everything I had at him before he would go down (and I left a good 15 times prior to that with tears in my eyes and a red


The Princess Kenny theme song kills me every single time. It’s so perfect.

The slideshow attack was so goddamn funny

And the Dire Bears... You know what Dire Bears are, don’t you?

Pretty sure this is an acceptable score for almost any game, really.

Well, if you keep him alive you find out something very very different and he ends up not sucking even a little.