The only recent game to get architectural/engineering close to realistic was max Payne 3- which actually seemed to make a pretty serious effort to creating believable buildings and spaces.
The only recent game to get architectural/engineering close to realistic was max Payne 3- which actually seemed to make a pretty serious effort to creating believable buildings and spaces.
The daggerfall demo was longer and contained more content than most games do today. Weeks of gameplay.
Got addicted to bro force, mad max and hand of fate. And I regret nothing.
I was blown away by the recruiting systems in that game when it came out and haven’t seen anything like it since. This was a natural evolution for the suikoden series in my mind.
By then maybe they will have a fast pass that actually works!
Spider-Man was really good too. Basically a much better version of the transformers ride
Which is what I thought going in- but the ride is actually really funny. Like actually laugh out loud funny.
Because without it the lines are even longer. It's better for the non-Harry potter rides but it's nothing like Disneys system
Yep. The secret is to always get in the single rider line. Cuts it down to about 2 1/2 hours for the new one.
Though my Harry Potter experiences may have been tainted by the 4 hour wait to 90 second ride ratio
To be honest though, the Simpsons ride that replaced it at universal Florida is the best ride in the park by the mile.
This was the last ES entry that felt like the developers were having fun with, honestly. Not a knock at more recent titles, just it seemed like they felt they could get away with some out of the box silliness here.
im just going to save myself some time now and go ahead and get real confused, then real angry, and then be like “Best game ever” for the third time.
I have heard the twist is that the fire has run away to embrace its new found sexuality.
i also enjoy rustling the jimmies
Oh man the dig is better than that come on.
Looks sweet but my body is ready for that risk of rain vita port they teased.
None of these games had a finger-gun battle.
She's obviously snokes daughter come onnnnn